
Monday, June 30, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & Top Ten: The Pirate Princess by @KaryRader

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clip_image002_thumb[1]The Pirate Princess

Reign of Light

Book One

Kary Rader

Genre: Fantasy – Supernatural – Paranormal - Romance

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Date of Publication: May 27th 2014

ISBN: 9781941260180

Word Count: 64,400

Book Description:

For a pirate, nothing is forbidden...except love. To gain her freedom, Charlee must seduce the prince. To save the pirate, Prince Petra must win her heart.


A handsome war hero, Prince Petra can have his pick of any lady in the kingdom. A man of virtue, he's saved himself for just the right one. But when the corrupt emperor of Isa Vis kidnaps a duke's daughter to force her into an alliance, Petra sacrifices himself—and his dreams of love—to save her. Betrothing himself to the distant captive, he leads a daring rescue across the stormy South Sea.

But The Light has other plans. On the voyage, Petra runs afoul of Charlee. Once a prisoner, now a pirate captain, the sultry siren holds him captive with more than just her sword. And when she offers a seductive wager—if he takes her body before they reach the City of Light, she wins absolution for her crimes—it is all he can do to hold firm. While he has every reason to bring Charlee to justice, he’s also finally found a woman he wants more than honor. And he can no more trust her than he can trust himself.

Available at Amazon ARe BN

Keynote: To gain her freedom, Charlee must seduce the Prince Petra. To save the pirate, the prince must win her heart.



“I’ll race you there.”

Charlee’s mind spun in a whirl. She’d never been one to resist a challenge, which Petra well knew. She’d also never been one to play fair.

She softly took his hand and allowed him to pull her up. As soon as he released her, she leaned toward him. His eyes widened and filled with desire. She let a playful smile touch her lips and licked the bottom one with her tongue. Petra sucked in a breath, but before he could make a move, she shoved him back in the sand and took off running as fast as she could, more laughter spilling from her lips—laughter conspicuously sounding like giggles.

She reached the west side of the pool at nearly the same time Petra crested the cliff of the falls. That sneaky prince had found an alternate route.

Their eyes met and locked. She took one step into the water as he dove from the cliff. Her breath caught in her throat. She froze for several heartbeats, the ripples from his splash washing over her toes. Then, out of nowhere, a strong arm rose in front of her, grabbed her leg and pulled her in. She screamed and tried to pull away.

He surfaced in front of her, his arms securely wrapped around her waist. She tried to push and wiggle free, but his arms locked around her more tightly. She tried to splash him, slap him and even butt him with her head, but he captured her hands. Their eyes met unguarded and full of passion. His warm body pressed against hers….


Kary’s Top Ten List of All-Time Favorite Romance Novels

Thank you for having me on today! I’m excited to share some of my All-Time Favorite Romance Novels.

Top Ten List

10. After the Abduction by Sabrina Jefferies – This was the first Sabrina Jefferies novel I read and it caused me to read all the others. I love mistaken identity tropes. This is one of the best.

9. Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn – No one does dialogue like Julia. No one! Her dialogue reads like a real conversation you feel like you are participating in (or not, because you can’t get a word in edgewise) Clever, funny and oh so romantic. I love the best friend’s big brother trope.

8. Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning – I love all of KMM’s books but this one is my favorite. Dageus is more than memorable. He is sexy and sacrificing from start to finish.

7. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins – This is the only YA romance on my list and for good reason. Stephanie Perkins’ youthful voice captured me from the beginning, but the budding relationship between Etienne and Anna grabs hold and won’t let go until long after that final kiss.

6. What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long – Pick one. Just pick one. I love all of JAL’s Penny Royal Green Series, but this one is my favorite. Older hero, young innocent heroine with lots of gumption. And very emotionally romantic.

5. The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas – Wonderful wallflower heroine, proving that you cannot judge a quiet little book by its cover. The third in a series of four, this one outshines them all by miles. A cynical and sarcastic rake of a hero who falls helplessly in love with his “meek and mild” bride of convenience. It’s the crack cocaine of historical romance covered in buttercream frosting.

4. Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips – If Julie Anne Long is my go-to gal for historical romance, Susan Elizabeth Phillips is my gal for contemporaries. Match Me is about an awkward heroine trying to land a big fish for her match making business. Unfortunately, in trying to find him a wife, she soon wishes she could become one.

3. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers – Not only is the story about an epic romance and how the power of love can heal the most fallen of people, it is a picture of how much God loves each one of us. Angel is the most celebrated prostitute in California during the Gold Rush of 1800s. Michael Hosea, a devout man of God and local farmer determines to save Angel and make her his wife. After a beating that leaves Angel nearly dead, Michael takes from the brothel, marries her so he can protect her, nurses her, feeds her, clothes her, and when she is recovered, she runs back to prostitution. He goes and gets her. She runs back, because she can’t believe anyone could love her without wanting something in return. But each time she becomes a little more invested, and the hard shell around her heart continues to break away, making room for an astonishing capacity for love. The payoff in this story is life-changing epicness!

2. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon­ I really don’t have words for how good this story is and, in my opinion, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser is the greatest romance hero ever written. He is simply literary perfection.

1. Flowers From the Storm by Laura Kinsale – A disreputable duke who is institutionalized after a stroke, comes to depend upon and love the most unlikely of women—a young quaker nurse. Sometimes you have to fall far, to see how high you can soar. Both characters must compromise to eventually make their love work. But it is a beautiful piece of art watching them change and grow together. This is everything a great story and a great romance should be. I have never felt more frustration or been more invested in any characters. Christian and Maddy are a symphony of beauty. And that is why it tops my list.

Hope that gave you some new books for your TBR list. And let me know what your own personal favorites are.





A ten-book subscription to Boroughs Publishing’s Lunchbox Romance line sponsored by the publisher

1 Prize Pack US Only:

A Sword Pendant Necklace

Signed Copy of

"Queen of Jastain"

1 $25 Gift Card to either Amazon or B&N Gift Card (Winner's Choice open Internationally)





Kary Rader is a part-time Twitter sage, stay-at-home mother of three, and slave to the characters and worlds inside her head. Always creative, she's drawn to stories with fantastical worlds and creatures.

With a little bit of magic and divine guidance, there isn't anything that can't be accomplished with words. It's the power of words that creates and destroys.

Vanquishing evil and injustice while finding eternal love in the process is all in a day's work. With the help of her critique partners and master cartographer imaginary places come to life.

Book Blast, Giveaway & Hot Interview: Open World by @CaseyMoss_

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clip_image002Open World


Book 1

Casey Moss

Genre: Erotic Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Date of Publication: May 15, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-77130-852-6


Number of pages: 146

Word Count: 52,000

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Book Description:

The world has broken out in wars. Las Vegas has been ravaged by chemical warfare and is now home to several clans and creatures.

Welcome to I-D-8 Entertainment’s newest game: Clans of Vegas—Endless Night.

Friends and family have gathered for a crunch time playtest of C.O.V.E.N.. When a horrible thunderstorm hits, everyone’s sucked into the game for real. In the MMORPG, Hope Collins is kidnapped by Buzz and forced to submit to his whims.

Her boyfriend, Alden, has to delay his quest of defeating a clan’s prince to save her, but time and circumstance don’t seem to be on his side. Faith Collins is bombarded by strange dreams brought on by Buzz. Her boyfriend, Tavis, learns to dream walk, but can he help break the spell she’s under and save her before she’s lost to him?

C.O.V.E.N. is more than just a game. It’s a whole other world.

Available at Evernight Publishing Amazon

All Romance eBooks BookStrand


Perhaps he’d been under too much stress, had too much caffeine, didn’t have enough sleep or information about the guy. More likely a combination of it all. A hodgepodge of shit and no shovel. He didn’t know how much more of all this he could take.

Shaking off the negativity, Alden rotated his head, listening to his spine crackle and pop. Tension released. The quick adjustment perked him up. He plated the burgers, closed the lid to the grill and exhaled a deep breath. First food, then work, and amongst it all, see if I can figure out Mr. Jenkins’s deal. Making his way toward the small group, the tray of hot meat balanced on one hand, he focused in on Cor, noting his body language and how the people around him responded.

Why did I imagine him as the antagonist? The one in the game I need to destroy?

The storyline he had to double check during the playtest dealt with finding the main boss—the Prince of Clan Caesachapel—and defeating him before the cad could cause harm. He’d intended to assist Hope and her family in creating ‘good’ characters, placing them in the clan he belonged to, and have them run the quests, as well. But with the way he’d been feeling, he almost reconsidered that idea.

Thing was he had a job to do. One he aimed to make good on and see through to the end. He’d never been the kind of guy to shirk a duty, and he wasn’t about to start now.

Mr. James Collins, a middle-aged man with graying, strawberry blond hair and ice blue eyes, glanced Den’s way as he approached. James acknowledged him with slight nod, then returned his attention to Cor.

The fact James was only a programmer and not his direct boss—or above him in any authoritative capacity in the organization—pleased Den. The man sure ran hot one moment and cold the next when it came to him. Hope had explained that was one of her father’s personality quirks and not to take it personal.

Some future father-in-law he would turn out to be.

Plastering a smile on his face, he placed the dish of meat on the aluminum table. James and the ladies’ attentions stayed fixed on the gentleman in their midst. Good. No one paid him any mind. More time to assess the situation.

Cor’s intense brown-eyed gaze bored into Hope’s, infiltrating her defenses and working whatever magic the man seemed to possess. Their connection resembled flirting but in a stronger sense. His chest tightened and burned. Mine, his inner voice asserted in a low, rolling growl, reminding him of his in game character’s speech. Alden stepped back before he could choose to put his fist in Cor’s face. His foot crunched on a chip bag that had fallen to the ground.

Hope didn’t flinch, didn’t look away.

Mesmerized. Shit. And not just her. Enthralled by the bean counter, the whole family overlooked him like he didn’t exist.

What the hell is going on?


Welcome to Darkest Cravings, tell us a little bit about yourself?

~ Casey Moss delves into the darker aspects of life in her writing, sometimes basing the stories on reality, sometimes on myth. No matter the path, her stories will take you on a journey from the light hearted paranormal to dark things unspeakable. What waits around the corner? Come explore…

Casey’s passion lies in darker fiction. Her stories fall into the horror and urban fantasy genres. Sometimes there’s also the blending of paranormal, suspense, thriller, romantic elements and/or eroticism in the stories. Some of the stories are even set within her home city of Las Vegas. But if she’s done her job right as an author, all the stories should set you on edge, leave you craving and wanting to explore more of the dark.

Writing adult fiction isn’t for everyone, how did you end up writing for the toughest audience?

~ Back at the end of 2007, beginning of 2008 an erotic romance publisher I wanted to write for had an open submissions call. So I whipped up some sexy stories for them.

Most of the intimidating parts of being an adult fiction writer is the steamy scenes, how did you overcome the “stage fright”?

~ It took me some time. A few years actually to get to the point where I could just go with it and use all the words and such. Basically, the more I wrote, the easier it and less skittish I became.

Which fictional character would you like to go on a date with? Why?

~ Lestat. Because I’ve followed his life and story for years.

Your favorite adult fiction books is-?

~ The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy written by American author Anne Rice under the pseudonym of A. N. Roquelaure

Do you think adult fiction have reached its full potential yet, or are we still in for a huge surprise?

~ I think there are boundaries that can still be pushed, lines to be crossed, new horizons to be found. As for what they are? No clue. But that’s all part of the surprise, right?

We all have a treasured possession, what is yours?

~ My wedding band. It’s gold with six princess cut diamonds and spots for more to be added. The intention was to add a diamond for every year we’ve been married. I’m due for several.

Are your characters based on real people or did you create them from scratch?

~ It’s a mix. A little bit from one, a little bit from another, pinches and dashes from scratch. ;)

Do you think adult fiction helps improves relationships?

~ Seems it does. A friend of mine read a certain book which shall not be named and said that it helped to spice up her sex life. Plus, from the other books she’s read she’s said she learned a thing or two.

If you have to pitch adult fiction to someone that’s too shy to read it, what would you pitch?

~ Try it. You may like it. (I can be such an enabler…)

What is your motto?

~ YOLO (you only live once)

You have a few steamy moments in your novel. Were they created from fantasy or is there real life experience behind it?

~ Mostly from fantasy, but I’m sure there’s some flashes of experiences in there too.

Why did you choose a virgin rather than a more experienced woman? (Or vice versa)

~ I used inexperienced females in my story due to the theme of the story and them finding their lifemates.

Foreplay, some say it’s just a waste of energy, others feel that it’s a must. You’re opinion?

~ For me it’s a must. I enjoy it.

What sexual position is your favorite?

~ Truly? It depends upon our mood and how much time we have. ;)

Have you ever used your nails and left marks?

~ Yeah, I have. *snicker*

Do you think lingerie is a must for a relationship?

~ Nope. In fact, I don’t care to wear the stuff.

Are you a screamer or the bite it down kind of lover?

~ Bite it down.

Why did you choose to write Paranormal/Fantasy?

~ Because I like world building and creating a place that’s new.

There is a lot of biting in your novel, are you a biter yourself?

~ Occasionally. *smiles & resituates halo on my horns*

What creature/species do you think makes the ultimate lover?

~ A sexy male witch who can make the experience magical.

What creature/species if you’re favorite?

~ I like witches and magical creatures the best.







Casey Moss delves into the darker aspects of life in her writing, sometimes basing the stories on reality, sometimes on myth. No matter the path, her stories will take you on a journey from the light-hearted paranormal to dark things unspeakable. What waits around the corner? Come explore…






Series Blast, Giveaway & More: What’s Love Series by @NieceyRoy


Presented by:
Sparkle Blog Button

book info
covergifTitle: Another Shot At Love
Series: What’s Love??? #1
Author : Niecey Roy
Genre: NA Romantic Comedy, Humorous Contemporary Romance
Audience: 17 +
Formats: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: River Mist Media
Cover By: Christina Leigh Designs
Pages: 362
ISBN-10: 0615908098
ISBN-13: 978-0615908090
Date Published: October 21, 2013

Imogen Gorecki has a problem—her twin sister just got engaged, and guess who’s the best man? That’s right, her scum-of-an-ex-boyfriend whom she caught cheating with a bottle-blonde, with fake breasts and a stripper’s flexibility. There’s a disturbing possibility her eyes will never recover.
Gen needs a date for the engagement party, but finding Mr. Perfect in a time crunch is proving impossible. Just when she’s about to give up, she face-plants into the crotch of the sexiest guy she’s ever met.
Matt Sesnick is everything Gen wants in a man —except he’s not interested in a relationship. Can she convince Matt to take another shot at love, or will Gen’s pregnant, hormonal older sister, her bridezilla twin, and all of her past Mr. Wrongs get in the way of their happily-ever-after?

book links

"All the elements for a fun, sassy romance: a sexy hero and the unbreakable bond of sisterhood. Delightful!" ~Bestselling Author Kate Perry
"Funny, sassy, sexy and brilliant book...Absolute Must Read!!!"
~Amy from Schmexy Girls Book Blog
"Crazy sisters, best friends, a slimy ex, and a gorgeously sexy sweet man. Who wouldn't want Another Shot at Love?" ~Stacy Nickelson, It Started With A Book Blog

“You really should change that light bulb,” Matt said, glancing around us.
“I know.” I pushed aside my wallet to dig to the bottom of my oversized purse. “I kind of take for granted that this is supposed to be a safe neighborhood.”
“Until an alien abducts you off your poorly lit porch.”
“Very funny.” I glanced up from my purse with a smile. “But really, it’s late. You could have been home by now.”
“Gen, I’m glad to walk you to your door. I would have worried about you if I hadn’t.”
I considered him as we stood there on my porch, the light flickering above us. I didn’t want him to leave, but I didn’t know how to ask him to stay. Maybe I could ask him in for a drink, though I’d already had enough.
But I have those cupcakes…
Yeah. I could offer him cupcakes. They weren’t his favorite, chocolate with sprinkles, but yellow cake with milk chocolate frosting had to be a close second, right? Hadn’t he said a cupcake will fix everything?
“I’m really glad we went out tonight.” His voice made me jump and I dropped the keys. We both bent to pick them up at the same time and bumped foreheads.
“Sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I clasped my forehead and laughed. Probably, I sounded hysterical. Like a rabid hyena. I couldn’t even look him in the eye when I took the keys from him. “Thanks for inviting me. I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me too,” he said.
I put the key into the lock, turning it slowly as I struggled with what to do about him and my out of control libido. Unlocking my door hadn’t given me enough time to figure things out, though, so I tried to prolong sliding the patio door open. That didn’t take long either, and I hesitated in the doorway, still unsure. I opened my mouth to ask him in, but nothing came out. So I stepped backward through the doorway, my gaze glued to his. After a moment, he followed me inside, part of his face lost in shadows.
Time stood still. My tongue darted out to lick my lips, and I lifted up onto my toes as he lowered his head to meet me halfway. The smell of his cologne surrounded me and my eyes drifted shut. He grasped me loosely around my back, pulling me close, sending shivers coursing through my body. His breath caressed my skin, his lips just a whisper away from mine, and my lips parted…

Title: Done With Lovebook2covergif
Series: What’s Love??? #2
Author : Niecey Roy
Genre: NA Romantic Comedy, Humorous Contemporary Romance
Audience: 17 +
Formats: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: River Mist Media
Cover By: Christina Leigh Designs
Date Published: 28 April,2014

Once upon a time…
Bridal boutique owner, Alexis Gorecki, used to believe in happily-ever-afters—until prince charming turned into a toad.
Months after being blindsided by her own horrific wedding scandal, Lexie is desperately trying to keep her boutique afloat in the wake of all the bad publicity. Waging war against her evil almost-in-laws—the people who will stop at nothing to ruin her reputation—sounded much better in her head. Lexie's strawberries and cream personality really isn’t cut out for taser guns and blackmail.
To complicate matters, Lexie's first love is back in town with his sexy green eyes and out-of-control abs. He already broke her heart once before, the beast. Leo Moss has always been her weakness and he's made it perfectly clear what he wants. Can he convince Lexie she's not done with love just yet?

book links

“Damn it, Lex, you keep pushing me away and it’s pissing me off.” He ran his hands through his hair. “I’m not going to fight over you with some guy who’s already gone.”
“Me pushing you away has nothing to do with Jeremy,” I said and crossed my arms. What I didn’t say was that it had everything to do with Leo, with our past, with me not wanting to get my heart broken again. Why couldn’t he understand that? Why couldn’t he read my mind and know all the questions I had about why he’d broken up with me the way he had, and why he was suddenly here, again, in my life, torturing me with feelings I didn’t want to have. Feelings that scared the hell out of me?
His face lowered, and suddenly his lips were near my ear lobe. I sucked in a breath. “Did he make you feel like this?” he whispered, and then his lips pressed softly against the sensitive skin of my neck. “Or this?” His lips captured my earlobe, a flicker of wet heat, and then it was gone, replaced by a draft of cold air seeping through the crack under the door. “Or this.”
His lips captured mine and stars exploded behind my closed eyes. Everything was warm, my entire body weightless and fuzzy. The kiss was slow; the heat of it felt all the way down to my toes. His tongue slid against mine in a silken kiss of passion that erupted inside of me.
Kate Voegele - Gravity Happens album
Miranda Lambert - Four the Record album
Taylor Swift radio ~ Pandora
You Lie - The Band Perry (running out of church)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not - Thompson Square (leaving her at the villa door)
1 x $5 Amazon GC
about the author
Niecey Roy knew she wanted to be a writer from a very young age, but her moment of enlightenment came after watching the movie You’ve Got Mail. It was then she realized her place in life, and happily parked her butt on writing romance. Her dream was to create sexy vixens, hunky, half-naked heroes, and above all, romance; lots and lots of butterflies in the belly, breathless first kisses and happily-ever-afters.
Most days she can be found at home at a cluttered desk, pounding her tired little fingers away on a keyboard with nothing but black pepper flavored sunflower seeds and Visine as her weapons for mass-romance-novel-creation. When her fingers need a break, you’ll find her at a table with friends, drinking a few martinis and showing off a new pair of (sometimes ridiculous) high heels. She’s usually the loudest at the table and most often the one snorting with laughter.
Niecey is the author of Fender Bender Blues, a contemporary romantic comedy published by The Wild Rose Press. Her new romantic comedy series, What’s Love??? includes Another Shot At Love, and Done With Love releasing April 2014.

media links

Books by Niecey
Fender Bender Blues
follow the tour
Tour Schedule - Two Week Blog Tour for What’s Series??? By Niecey Roy from June 23 to July 6, 2014.
June 23
A One-click Addict's Book Blog - Review - Book 1 & 2
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - Spotlight with Excerpt
Night Owl Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
June 24
Reading A Little Bit of Everything - Review - Book 1 & 2
Indy Book Fairy - Spotlight with Excerpt, Character Bio's & Book Soundtrack
Bajgajka Loves Books And Giveaways - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Character Bio's, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
June 25
Book Talk Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt & Character Bio's
Bound 2 Escape - Spotlight with Excerpt
Fiction Dreams - Spotlight with Excerpt
The Writing World - Spotlight with Excerpt, Playlist & Dream Cast             
June 26
MI Bookshelf - Spotlight with Excerpt
A Cauldron of Books - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Character Bio's, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
The Avid Reader - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Character Bio's, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
June 27
Lindsey Gray ~ Author and Reviewer - Review - Another Shot at Love #1
Clarissa Wild's Blog - Spotlight with Excerpt, Character Bio's, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
Portals to new Worlds - Spotlight with Excerpt, Character Bio's, Dream Cast, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
June 28
Rustys Reading - Spotlight with Excerpt & Playlist
Crazy Beautiful Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
Eclipse Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Character Bio's, Dream Cast, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
June 29
Breny's Book Obsession - Playlist, Dream Cast & Character Bio's
Book Frak - Review - Done with Love #2
Book Nook Nuts - Spotlight with Excerpt
June 30
Short and Sassy Book Blurbs - Review - Book 1 & 2
Cajun Book Lover - Spotlight with Excerpt
Darkest Cravings - Spotlight with Excerpt, Character Bio's, Dream Cast, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
July 1
Our New Generation for Reading - Spotlight with Excerpt
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
July 2
The Idle Musings of a Writer's Mind - Spotlight with Excerpt, Top Ten
Books, Brownies and Barkers - Spotlight with Excerpt & Playlist
July 3
Confessions of an Unsuspected Bookworm- Review - Done with Love #2
Naughty and Smutty Book Blog- Review - Book 1 & 2
July 4
The Page Princess - Review - Book 1 & 2, Playlist & Dream Cast
Patricia D. Eddy - Spotlight with Excerpt
July 5
Pretty Girls Read Books - Spotlight with Excerpt
Sassy Southern Book Blog - Review - Book 1 & 2
For the Love of Books by Jaime- Review - Book 1 & 2, Dream Cast & Character Bio's
Book Hostage- Spotlight with Excerpt
July 6
Books, Authors, Blogs - Dream Cast
Cherry0blossoms - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review - Another Shot at Love #1, Playlist & Book Soundtrack
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review - Done with Love #2, Playlist & Character Bio's
Just Booked - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review - Book 1 & 2, Playlist & Book Soundtrack
The Phantom Paragrapher- Review - Another Shot at Love #1