
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cover Reveal: Blue - Darkness Falls # 3 by @IvoryQuinn_

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covergifTitle: Blue
Series: Darkness Falls # 3
Author: Ivory Quinn
Audience: Erotica
Genre: Romance/BDSM
Formats: E-book
Publisher: Ivory Quinn
Cover by: Kande's Pixels
Editor: Rivka Spicer
Expected Date of Publishing: Aug 30. 2014

If you love something, you let it go, right? If they love you in return, they’ll come back.
A year ago, Blue let Noelle walk out the door into another man’s arms and he’s done with waiting for her to come back. She’s his. She’s always been his. She just doesn’t know it yet.
The only thing that stands between them is his past and the woman that almost broke him. Does he love Noelle enough to face his demons and can he trust her to bring their love full circle? Finding out might just kill them both.


Unable to face the look he was sure would be on their faces, Blue stumbled blindly from the room and headed in search of somewhere less confusing.
“Blue!” Noelle had followed him out, but he ignored her. “Blue! Stop!”
“I need to be alone.” Shame made him sharp, but he should have known better than to think that would stop her.
“No, you don’t.” A tiny hand slipped into his, entwining their fingers. “You need to be reminded who you are in the here and now. You need to talk about it. You need to trust me.”
“I…” He didn’t even know who this version of himself was. He stopped in the hallway, uncertain where to go. Nowhere felt like it would be the sanctuary he needed more than anything else.
“Chloe, can you give us an hour and then bring breakfast for two to my room, please.” Noelle took over, seeming to know what he needed better than he did. The sub standing behind the reception desk nodded once, flashing a concerned glance at Blue. He couldn’t believe he was letting anyone see him like this. “Come on.” He followed her up the stairs, meek and trusting. She seemed so certain and he felt so numb, like his brain was full of cotton wool.
They entered her room and she pushed the door shut behind them, hitting the lights and drawing the curtains. Her hands went to the buttons of her blouse and he swallowed. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you something to lose yourself in until you’re able to deal with this.” She shrugged, dragging the blouse from her shoulders and letting it pool on the floor.
“You said you weren’t ready.” He replied automatically and she nodded.
“I did. But you need this.”
“How did you know?” He reached for his own buttons, only then realising that his hands were trembling.
“Know what?” She was shimmying out of her jeans, kicking her shoes across the floor.
“That you’re the only place I feel safe.”
She blushed, the warmth radiating over her creamy skin. “Because you taught me that.” She took over removing his clothes. “Home isn’t always a building. Sometimes it’s a person or people. Sometimes there’s more sanctuary in someone familiar than there is in a house you grew up in. Let me be that for you, Blue.”

Ivory Quinn is an author of indeterminate youth, living in a land where the sun rarely shines but the mist makes everything magical. She likes men and books, but doesn’t think either makes a great sandwich filling. Unmarried and living with other creative types, she has a healthy relationship with her bed. She wishes that writing was her day job, but sadly has a large percentage of non-writing time, made bearable only by classic rock and lots of caffeinated things. Her favourite things are fan mail, cake and men in kilts. She does not see these things as mutually exclusive.


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Friday, August 29, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & Top Ten: The Necromancer’s Betrayal by @SebastianMimi

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clip_image002_thumb[1]The Necromancer’s Betrayal

The Necromancer Series

Book 2

Mimi Sebastian

Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Publisher: ImaJinn/Belle Books

ISBN: 978-1611945119


Number of pages: 226

Cover Artist: Debra Dixon

Book Description:

Her powers have been hobbled. Her enemies are growing stronger.

Old loves challenge her. And her worst betrayer may be herself.

Necromancer Ruby Montagne is battling for her life in the realm of demons. Unfairly branded for the death of a fellow necromancer, she’s got to prove her innocence without the full use of her magic. And the real culprit is still on the loose.

While someone is stalking her friends among the witches, Ruby searches for answers inside the dark intrigues of both the demon and necromancer worlds. Ruby must confront this new, sinister threat while reconciling her feelings for her former lover, a demon warrior. Only it’s difficult . . . because a sexy vampire is making it clear that he’d like to be a lot more than just friends.

The competition for Ruby’s trust heats up as the enemy pushes her toward a dark side that could threaten the entire realm. Yet what can Ruby do when she’s not even sure what she is? With the fabric separating the realms at stake, she must decide whom to trust. But will the ultimate betrayal be her own?

Available at Amazon


“See, that’s the difference between demons and vamps. No honor, here.”

I stuttered a laugh. “Demons do not have honor.” I paused. “You have honor. You just don’t want to admit it.”

“Does an honorable vampire lust after the woman his friend desires, but can’t have?”

I laughed, taking his words as typical alpha supe flirtation, but when I looked at his face, my laughter stilled. He wasn’t joking. I dropped my gaze to the deck, and he returned to messing with the sails.

His admission had tainted our breezy conversation, and a salty awkwardness layered the air between us for the rest of the cruise. When Ewan had stumbled upon Lysander comforting me after my encounter with Dominic, I had to lie to him. Of course, that led him to imagine a much worse scenario than the actual truth, which I couldn’t reveal. Now a new, more insurmountable obstacle divided Ewan and me, but the episode with Lysander was almost more unacceptable to Ewan because I’d caused it. And now, Ewan had written our relationship off, and I was sailing in the moonlight on a boat captained by a hot vampire, who used to be a pirate, and who had given me the occasional glimpse into a passion and vulnerability that would be increasingly hard to resist. I was screwed.

We cruised into the Oakland Inner Harbor, heading for the Alameda Marina. He pulled up next to a catamaran and docked the boat. We disembarked and traversed the wooden dock, heading for one of the new oyster bars that signaled the revitalization of the once-industrial area. I clutched my scarf against the chilly air creeping along the waterfront. The nearly-full moon projected an incandescent glow onto the water, providing the only light to dispel the thickening darkness. We left the dock and took a dirt path intersecting a concrete sea wall on our left and a string of warehouses on our right. The only sound came from the water slapping against the sea wall. I darted my eyes around us and sidled closer to Lysander. The shadows lengthened, seeming to nip at my heels as we walked. Shadows didn’t have malevolent intent, did they? These seemed to crouch, ready to pounce; Seemed to whisper, “Come . . .”

Lysander gave me a reassuring look, obviously perceiving my nervousness. The lights of the bar about fifty feet ahead became visible, and I shook off my anxiousness. I was with a fricking vampire who used to be a pirate.

Lysander stumbled.

“Not very smooth for a vampire,” I said with a laugh.

He didn’t laugh back. His only response was to stop suddenly and groan. I moved to face him and recoiled at the sight of his face illuminated by the moonlight. “What the hell? You’re turning all Nosferatu on me. I liked the movie and all, but it’s not a look that works for you.”

When he met my eyes, and I saw his confusion and desperation, I realized this wasn’t some normal vampire transformation. His skin was shriveling in sick slow motion before me, prune-like, turning to the color of ash and flaking away as if burning from the inside out. “Oh, Christ. Lysander, what’s happening?”

“I don’t know,” he managed to croak from a throat that was shrinking upon itself.

Whispers, real now, louder, drifted toward us from the shadows clinging to the spaces between the warehouses. No. I’m not going crazy. Someone is out there. “Who’s there? Son of a bitch. Show yourself!”

A soft laugh answered me.

Fuck this. I turned toward the warehouses, but a tug on my pants stopped me. “Blood,” Lysander rasped.

“Where . . . oh.” He meant my blood. “We can’t.”

“I’m dying.” His voice sounded as shriveled as he looked. His skin was no more than a thin layer of plastic shrink-wrapped around protruding bones.

I slapped my head with my palm. Oh God. Oh God. I can’t do this. I wasn’t worried about transforming into a bloodsucker. I knew it took much more than a few blood exchanges to turn someone. My fear came from my own power. Like with Dominic’s lieutenant, the necromancy could taint the blood connection and turn Ly into a zombie. I took another look at him and dispelled my fear. He was dying. Maybe he was stronger than Dominic’s lieutenant. Maybe his blood would resist my power. Please.

I squatted next to him, held out my wrist, and squeezed my eyes, not sure what to expect. Getting sucked on by a vampire was supposed to feel better than ecstasy—that’s why so many people frequented the vampire club—but when the lieutenant had sucked my blood, his fangs had felt like hot pokers ramming into my neck.

Lysander jerked his fangs into my wrist, and I cried out. Okay. No pleasure here. His fangs shook, like he needed his fix bad. He tore at my skin with sloppy slurps. I gritted my teeth at the pain that scorched my wrist. My arm shook, but he held tight and sucked. I didn’t even know if this would work. I didn’t want him to die, but what would I do if he transformed into a zombie? I felt my power murmur inside me, unhappy at the intrusion, but I stamped it down, hopefully before it could taint the blood.

Lysander pulled off my wrist. The force of the movement caused me to fall back on my ass. The air and ground spun around me, and I fought off the nausea with deep breaths. The moonlight slashed across Lysander’s profile, and I sighed, relieved at the pale, vampire tone of his wonderfully tight and unshriveled skin. I reached out my hand, trembling violently, and touched his shoulder. He twisted his head, and I recoiled, seeing the same emptiness in his eyes that the lieutenant had reflected when he’d drunk my blood.

No. No. No


Top Ten Necromancers

Mimi Sebastian

Because the protagonist of my books is a necromancer, Ruby Montagne, I decided to make my top ten list of some well-known and maybe lesser well-known, but interesting and powerful necromancers. One of the fun things about writing necromancers was discovering just how varied their powers were in literature, gaming, and movies. There are various versions of necromancers, but the most agreed upon definition is a person who can summon dead spirits and/or the dead, and summon demons. Necromancy differs from voodoo or occultism because a practitioner of voodoo uses physical magic while a necromancer’s power comes from within and can be accessed without magical ritual. So here’s my list, counting down to number one.

10. Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake.

9. Randall Flagg, from Stephen King’s the Dark Tower series. He’s a sorcerer and a servant of the Outer Dark. His abilities combine necromancy, prophecy, and influence over animal and human behavior.

8. Sauron from the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. He controls the ring-wraiths!

7. Harry Keogh from Brian Lumley’s Necroscope novels.

6. Jamie Vegas from Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld. Love this character. She’s not the kick ass werewolf like Elena and is limited in what she can do, but she demonstrates her strength in other ways like how sexy she is, especially with Jeremy!

5. Re-Animator/H.P. Lovecraft’s Dr. Herbert West. This take on reanimation was interesting in that Herbert West is a scientist who invents a serum to bring the dead back to life. Okay, maybe not exactly fitting the definition, but I have to include just for the decapitated head scene alone! (Re-Animator was based on the H.P. Lovecraft story titled simply, Herbert West-Reanimator.)

4. Ruby, the necromancer from my Necromancer Books, of course!

3. John Constantine, the D.C. anti-hero from the Hellblazer comics and a member of Justice League Dark. He can summon demons, travel between realms, even resurrected himself, and raise the dead.

2. Greek Oracles. In addition to communicating with the gods, they were known to commune with the dead. A nekromanteion chamber was discovered in Greece, the very one mentioned by Homer in the The Odyssey, in which Odysseus sacrifices to the spirit of his friend during his journey to the land of the dead. The area where they discovered the nekromanteion, Phiri, was a heavily religious center for over three thousand years where the people strove to commune with the spirits of their dead relatives.

1. Evil Ash from the Army of Darkness movie. One of my favorites! Love the movies and love Bruce Campbell as Ash. Evil Ash himself rises from the dead and raises an army of “deadites”.

This is my list. Anyone want to add to the list, please leave a comment!






Mimi Sebastian raised herself on books and the strange and unusual, and an unhealthy dose of comics and movies. When a career as a punk guitarist failed to materialize, she completed her degree in urban planning, spent two years in the Ivory Coast with the Peace Corps, and another three years in Brazil. By day, she debates the merits of transport oriented development, by night she writes about necromancers and pirates. She’s convinced she could live off coffee, ice cream, and comic books, but is sure only one of those is good for her health.

She's a member of Romance Writers of America and the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA. A transplant from the beaches of Florida, Mimi now wanders the desert in Phoenix, AZ, and attempts to balance writing with a day career, fantastic family, and household diva: her Amazon parrot.

Book Blast: SIMON - Le Beau Series by @VADOLD

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Le Beau Series, Book 1

NOTE: Complete novel. No cliffhanger. Dual POV. Rated 18+ for language and strong sexual content.

Four years of honorably serving his country has left Simon, Cade’s younger brother, damaged and trapped in wolf form. Little did he know the only person with the ability to heal him completely would be found at home. Literally. Now that he’s found her, he is desperate to claim her.
Rose is a beautiful, voluptuous woman with limited experience with men. Although she's confident, she still has reservations. Never having a family of her own, her fear of abandonment has her fleeing romantic relationships, and doubting herself.
Travis is insane. A deadly loose cannon that a secret organization hired to destroy the Le Beau family by denying them their mates. Permanently.
Simon’s dream will be lost forever unless he is able to maintain human form.
Rose needs unconditional love and a mate to create the family she’s always wanted.
Travis’s all-consuming drive is to take Rose for himself.

Will Simon ever be whole again, able to claim his mate, giving Rose the love and family she so desperately craves? Or will Travis destroy them both?




She looked at him over her shoulder. His blue eyes seared her with heat. The intensity of his stare made her shiver. Lifting one hand, he laid his fingers against the blush of her cheek. Then he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He buried his nose in her hair and let his wolf rumble in satisfaction. “I’m ready to show you off at Julia’s whenever you are.”

“Let me check my face and hair. It’ll only take a minute.” She returned a few minutes later looking amazing.

Her hair was pulled back in a fashionable messy bun. A single strand was left loose to fall down the side of her face to the tip of her breast. He longed to follow that strand to its destination, scrape his teeth against her nipple and inhale her precious scent.

She was without a doubt the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen in his life. Rose placed her arms around his neck, and he relished how her warmth seeped into his body.

“I may have to change my mind, you look too good, and I’ll be forced to kill some idiot who tries to dance with you.”

She rolled her eyes at him and grabbed her purse. “Come on, Romeo, I’m ready for a boat ride and a turn around the dance floor.”

Simon held her hand as she got into the boat then jumped in and revved the motor. “I’ll go slow so I don’t mess up your gorgeous hair.” He winked.

She blew him a kiss and fluffed her hair dramatically.

Even going slow it only took twenty minutes to reach the pier serving the bar. He already heard the music and boisterous patrons. He cut the motor and helped her exit safely; boats weren’t designed for high heels.

Rose looked up and down the line of boat slips and shoreline. “Where’s her sign?”

“She doesn’t have one. We’d rather random humans didn’t wonder in. Mates are more than welcome, but the occasional human to happen upon the bar isn’t very well received.”

He led her to an open table. “I’ll get us drinks, would you like wine or a whiskey Coke?”

“A whiskey Coke sounds great.” Her eyes were bright with excitement as she checked out the crowd.

He squeezed into an open spot at the bar and waved over his cousin. “Julia! How are you, cher?”

“Oh, mon dieu! Simon, it’s so good to see you. I heard you found your mate.”

“I did.” He gestured to their table. “Rose is seated right there, stop over if you get a break.”

“Oh, elle est de toute beauté. You’re a lucky man, cuz.”

“Don’t I know it.” He grinned. “Can I get a Whiskey Coke and a beer?”


He turned his back to the bar to check on Rose. Simon’s breath caught as she unconsciously moistened her lip with the tip of her pink tongue. That mouth was made for sin, with its plush lower lip. He imagined her mouth doing wicked things to a certain part of his anatomy. Blood thrummed in his veins. Simon turned to inconspicuously adjust himself, his faded jeans were suddenly way too tight. Her intoxicating scent of coffee and cinnamon rolls licked at his groin even from across the room. He wanted to rub himself all over her, saturating her with his scent whenever they were in public. His wolf wouldn’t be satisfied until they were mated.

Gazing at her across the room his blood surged, he imagined her naked on his bed, her thighs parted in invitation. He lowered his head and tasted her passion. Loving her long into the night, her excited cries entwining with his hoarse groans as they made the bed shudder and shake. He shook his head. He really needed to get control of his randy thoughts. This was date night and he would show her a good time away from his bed for once. Down boy, he snarled at his wolf. When he glanced at her again she was snickering and shaking her head at him. He must be imagining loudly.

“Here you go, no charge, and congratulations, Simon.” Julia rapped her knuckles on the bar top before she turned her attention to making another customer’s drink. She was very busy, so he left her to it. He’d barely taken his seat when the band took the stage for another set. He stood and held his hand out to Rose. “May I have this dance?”

“Why, yes, you may,” she said playing along.

Simon held her close enough to see the sparkles in her blue eyes. He loved the way her gaze lit up when she was happy. But his wolf itched to see her eyes dazed with passion as he made love to her, and then sated and sleepy afterwards. For now holding her on the dance floor would do. Rose’s intoxicating fragrance surrounded him, teasing his senses. He was in heaven.

He cupped her cheek with a large, warm palm. “I’m so happy you moved into our house, Rose. Having you in my arms makes me the luckiest man in the world.” The moment she agreed to move to his house he’d called it their home. His glowing blue eyes regarded her with a tenderness that made her breath hitch.

She tightened her arms around his neck, urging his face closer to hers. “I didn’t want to go back to Anna’s, to an empty bed anymore,” she told him. “If you really plan to have me as your mate, it only made sense.”

“Just say the word and I’m yours completely. Forever.” He smiled, then dipped his head, kissed her deeply and nuzzled her.




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V.A.Dold is the bestselling author of the Le Beau Brothers series, New Orleans wolf shifter novels. A graduate of Saint Cloud University, she majored in marketing. Prior to becoming a full time writer, she was a publicist to the authors, owning Innovative Online Book Tours and ARC Author & Reader Con's (ARC NOLA) (ARC Phoenix). Still is. The companies mesh so well together, much like PB&J.

Her idea of absolute heaven is a day in the French Quarter filled with nothing but her computer, her coffee mug and the Brothers, of course.

A Minnesota native with her heart lost to Louisiana, she has a penchant for titillating tales featuring sexy men and strong women. When she's not writing, she's probably taking in a movie, reading or traveling.

Her earliest reading memories are from grade school. She had a major fixation with horses, and the Black Stallion was a favorite. Then junior high came along and teenage hormones kicked in. It became all about the Harlequin Romances. She has been hooked on romances ever since.


Visit V.A.'s website
Like on Faceboook at
Follow on twitter at @VADOLD

Series Blast & Giveaway: Beware of Warlock Series by @MarilynVix

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Never Fall For A Warlock

Beware of Warlock Series, #2

Catherine has taken a chance on love. Another warlock has turned up in her life. Can she handle the new Aussie, Jeff? Or is there something better around the corner? Confused between her husband cheating and a new flavor of warlock, Catherine runs out to find other options in the town famous for luck, Las Vegas. She runs straight into an exotic dancer named Liam. Irish, gorgeous, and James Bond flavored, he might be the answer to her no warlock plan. But Liam might be the forbidden fruit that could lead Catherine down a dangerous path. Will she run back to Jeff before it’s too late?

Warning: This paranormal romance novelette contains some heated intimate scenes that are for ages 18 and older. Length: 16,000 words.









Never Marry A Warlock

Beware Of Warlocks Novelette, #1

Genre: paranormal romance

Publication Date: October 4, 2013


Catherine walks in on her husband in bed with her best friend. What is a woman to do? It helps that she is a witch. Unfortunately, so is her husband. Before you can say spell battle, Catherine high tails it up the coast of California to clear her head. Lucky for her, she finds an Aussie hitchhiker. She's going to have to face her husband in the awaiting spell battle. Can she have a little fun with her new found boy toy, or will he get scorched in the foreplay? 



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Marilynvixpic_thumbMarilyn Vix is an Indie Romance novelist working on different romance novel projects. Having had experience with other Indie books, Marilyn is trying her hand at her secret passion, romance writing. It is a grand experiment, armed with editor and laptop, that will progress over the next few months. Dappling in Time Travel and Paranormal Romances, Marilyn is going to see where her passion takes her. Hopefully the Top Bestsellers lists.






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Book Blast: Love at First Sigh by @ElodieParkes

Love At First Sigh - Tour Banner


TITLE – Love at First Sigh AUTHOR – Elodie Parkes GENRE – Contemporary erotic romance PUBLICATION DATE – August 16, 2014 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 45 pages, (two stories within) PUBLISHER – Hot Ink Press COVER ARTIST – Elodie Parkes

  Love at First Sigh - Book Cover  


Two sizzling contemporary romance stories

Handy Hubby Hire Tired of the maintenance jobs mounting up in her house, Sara hires a handyman. She never dreams someone like Griffen Fox will show up to fix the faucets and back yard gate. Sparks fly, but will they lose their heart to each other? Pina Colada When Emma takes a long weekend vacation in a warm beach resort, she meets the very handsome Matt Tyler. They spend an idyllic few days together. Will this only be a holiday romance?  


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  Love At First Sigh - Teaser  

EXCERPT (Exclusive excerpt, not posted before)

From story two, Handy Hubby Hire 18+ rated excerpt

Sara got through the front door before she lost her composure. Smiles wreathed her face. She grasped the business card and looked at the words embossed there. She read it aloud focusing on the name. Griffen Fox, and what a fox he is. He is…gorgeous. What will happen tomorrow? I know what I’d like to happen. Will that be it, he’ll rock up, do the jobs and disappear as if we didn’t have sex, as if we didn’t gaze at each other and want more, want to fuck each other’s brains out all night? She sighed. She sat at her desk and relived his kisses. Her nipples hardened. She pictured his huge, hard cock. Her pussy clenched and drenched her fresh panties. She licked her lips. I wish I was with him now. I want his lips on mine, his hands on my ass. This is probably not good for me. I’ll crave sex again now. Damn it. Sara remembered the months after Jem left. She missed him, their conversations, their walks, but she missed sex more. She missed the hard shape of a man’s body, the taste of his cum. She missed it badly and she’d craved it until she despaired. There’d been no one else. She didn’t meet men in everyday life. She went to make more coffee. I’m addicted to this stuff. That night Sara tossed and turned. She considered masturbating because she needed release, but she knew she longed for a man’s fingers, a man’s mouth on her breasts, preferably Griffen’s. Her own fingers wouldn’t do, not after sex with Griffen. Sometime just before dawn she fell asleep. She sat bolt upright as the sun streamed in through her bedroom window. The angle of the rays told her it was quite late. She leapt out of bed and checked the time on her cell phone. Half an hour to shower before Griffen Fox arrived. Her heart started beating faster as she daydreamed about his kiss and his mouth on her skin. She raced to shower and dress. Her hands shook as she made a cup of coffee. She went to look out of her front windows and watch for his arrival. “Calm the fuck down,” she told herself aloud, but when his truck pulled into her driveway her heart thumped.

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2014 Hot Ink Press All Rights Reserved


Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal or suspense. Her books are always steamy — cool stories and hot love scenes.

Elodie lives in Canterbury with her two dogs. She works in an antique emporium by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home.

Elodie writes for, Hot Ink Press, Moon Rose Publishing, Eternal Press, Secret Cravings, Evernight, and Siren Publishing.

She has also released titles as an individual indie author.



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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Book Blast & Giveaway: Hunted By The Past by @JamiGrayAuthor







BOOK TITLE: Hunted By The Past: PSY-IV Teams #1



A reluctant psychic who can relive the past, a man well versed in keeping secrets, and a psychopathic killer enter a deadly game where the past determines the future.

Changing the past is an impossibility ex-Marine, Cynthia “Cyn” Arden, understands all too well. Struggling in the aftermath of a botched mission, which cost her two teammates, her military career, and a fledging relationship, she’s brought home by a panicked phone call. The psychic killer behind her nightmares has escaped military custody to hunt down the remaining teammates, one by one. Next on his murderous list--Cyn. Her only chance at survival is to master the psychic ability she’s spent years denying.

The killer’s game brings her face to face with the one person guaranteed to throw her off kilter—the unsettling and distracting man she left behind, Kayden Shaw. Once she believed he’d stand by her side, until he chose his job and his secrets over her. A choice that’s left the scars of the past etched deep on her mind and heart.

To survive this twisted game, Cyn must risk trusting her heart and accepting who and what she is, or lose not only her life, but the man she loves.







Muse It Up Publishing:

Jami’s site with all buy links:



My spine itched, but no matter how many times I checked my back trail, it stayed empty.

We were only a couple of streets away from The Dragon, but here urban renewal was slow to encroach. Inky eyes of dark storefronts watched my game of cat and mouse, their entryways offered minor concealment. Sprinkled in-between these were the occasional boarded up abandoned shops. Trailing someone on a quiet city street is far from easy. Headlights from passing traffic played havoc on both my eyesight and ability to hide. Watching my steps, I tried not to invade some poor soul’s cardboard home even as bass-pounding, tricked-out cars drew attention at the most inopportune moments.

By the time Ramirez ducked under a flimsy excuse for a fence, sweat coated my spine. Even after nine at night the temperatures were still hovering in the nineties. I picked up my pace and crossed the street as he disappeared into the weed-choked lot. Standing on the cracked sidewalk, I took in the tall, looming shadow hovering in the narrow space between buildings.

Streetlights failed to hold the darkness back, but I could still make out the boards haphazardly covering what had once been windows. Large signs proclaiming the penalty for trespassing ringed the lower half of the two-story structure. Someone even added a few lines of spiked wire and metal rods. As if that would deter anyone from entering. Didn’t prove much of a hindrance to me or to Ramirez, who had disappeared somewhere inside.

My soft curse as one of those barbs scratched along my shoulder had Kayden coming across the line. “Where are you?”

“Between First and Central on Monroe. Ramirez just disappeared inside an abandoned building.” I worked my way around the side accompanied by the clicks and hums of an overly loud chorus of insects.

“Hobbes just paid his check, I’ll meet up with you.”

“No,” I said, spotting a gaping hole in the far back corner. “Delacourt’s orders were to stay on him, so stay. I’m fine.”

“And if that changes?”

“It changes,” I shot back.

“Shaw,” Wolf broke in. “I’m twenty minutes out.”

“Fine,” Kayden growled. “Cyn, you keep your ass in one piece until I get there.”

“Don’t forget my camera,” I reminded him. His grumbled curse made me grin. Standing outside the ragged opening, I wished for a flashlight. Instead I pulled my Sig free and with a sigh, warned the team, “Going quiet.”

It took some serious contortions to make it around the rough edges of the opening. Once inside, the heat was stifling and sweat popped out on my forehead. With both hands on the Sig, I used my shoulder to wipe it away before it stung my eyes. I held still, waiting for my vision to adjust to the shrouded interior.

I’d come in from the back of the building. Some diffused light made it in-between the gaps of boards and a series of holes peppering the back wall. Unidentifiable piles were scattered across the floor. Walls divided the space into a maze where anything or anyone could hide. Underfoot, a thin layer of grit layered the concrete floors, making it hard to keep my steps silent. From the ceiling, large panels hung like drunken Legos just waiting to fall on the unwary.

Sound reached my ears. I held my breath, straining to listen. The indistinct murmur resolved into voices. Did Ramirez have company or was he talking to someone on the phone? Dust trickled from the ceiling as someone walked across the second story floor. Stairs, somewhere there had to be stairs. Doing a slow scan of my surroundings, I found them crouched in the far corner.

Keeping my back to the wall, I drifted forward. Shifting shadows added a creepy vibe to the gaping doorways and piles dotting the open floor. The tang of smoke found its way up my nose. Using an outstretched hand, I brushed my fingers along the rough surface of the wall. Bringing it back, I could make out the smudge of black now staining my fingers. Great. I got to creep around in burned-out building.

Staying close to the wall, I lowered my gun and kept my finger on the side of the trigger. Trying to hold my gun upright for too long would result in muscle fatigue. More dust rained down as whoever was upstairs walked across the floor. Maybe Ramirez was pacing? Or were there two people up there?

Time to brave the unknown. Was there any other way to the second floor? One that wouldn’t dump me in front of Ramirez and his possible company? It took time and a nerve-wracking patience to work my way through the lower level, but it paid off in a small second, narrow flight of stairs near the front of the building.

Sending a quick prayer that they would hold my weight, I began to creep upward. A handful of steps from the top, a board underfoot gave a loud protest. Dropping into a crouch, I kept my gun aimed at the dark opening and tried to calm my pulse. The murmur of voices stopped. A tense, waiting quiet crept in.






Jami Gray is the award winning, multi-published author of the Urban Fantasy series, The Kyn Kronicles, and the Paranormal Romantic Suspense series, PSY-IV Teams. Her latest release, SHADOW’S MOON (5/14) was a Golden Claddaugh Finalist, and the first in her newest series, HUNTED BY THE PAST, hits shelves in July 2014. She is surrounded by Star Wars obsessed males and a male lab, who masquerades as a floor rug as she plays with the voices in her head.




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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cover Reveal: Deep Devotion by M.C. Norris


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cover reveal

covergifTitle: Deep Devotion
Author: M.C. Norris
Audience: YA-A (PG-13)
Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi
Formats: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: Severed Press
Cover by: Severed Press
Editor: Severed Press
Expected Date of Publishing: Sept 01, 2014


Rising from the depths, a mind-bending monster with an exceptionally long reach unleashes a wave of terror across the American heartland. Kate Browning, a Kansas City EMT confronts her paralyzing fear of water when she traces the source of a deadly parasitic affliction to the Gulf of Mexico. Cooperating with a marine biologist, she travels to Florida in an effort to save the life of one very special patient, but the source of the epidemic happens to be the nest of a terrifying monster, one that last rose from the depths to annihilate the lost continent of Atlantis.
Leviathan, destroyer, devoted lifemate and parent, the abomination is not going to take the extermination of its brood well.

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“Children don’t drown where water should not exist, not in the wishing pools remembered in the hearts of deserts. No, it could not be. What happened to Jeffrey was no accident. His was a willful killing, and a cruel one. There stood a mimic in the moonlight, connected by deeper roots to something else, something down in a pond beneath a pond, a grotto, where it fanned its saffron gills and waited, just as it had haunted the seas of time’s beginning. It waited for a chance to lure young life to an early death. Because that’s what it was all about. That’s all that it did.”

about the author

M.C. Norris is a new author with Severed Press, whose first four novels in speculative fiction: Deep Devotion, Krengel & the Krampusz, The Dread Owba Coo-Coo, and Nod, are all slated for release throughout the fall of 2014. The short stories by M.C. Norris have appeared over the last eight years in nineteen magazines, e-zines and paperback anthologies, including: Withersin, Pseudopod, Brainharvest, Wrong World DVD, Malicious Deviance, Dead Bait, and many more. M.C. Norris also took fifth in Leisure Books/Chizine’s 13th Annual Short Story Contest.


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