
Friday, May 30, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & Top Ten: Shunned No More by @CMcKnightWriter

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clip_image002_thumb[1]Shunned No More

A Lady Forsaken

Book 1

Christina McKnight

Genre: Historical Romance, Regency

Publisher: La Loma Elite Publishing

Date of Publication: May 30, 2014

ISBN: 9780988261723

Number of pages: 300 Approximate

Word Count: 75,000 Approximate

Cover Artist: LFD Designs for Authors

Book Description:

A Lady Shunned by All…

Lady Viola Oberbrook only wanted to forget the ill-fated early morning duel that took the lives of two young, wealthy, promising men of the ton and sent her fleeing for her father’s country estate. Eight years later, she has her life in order: a fulfilling business, a few trusted friends, and no plans to return to London society. What she doesn’t expect is to come face to face with her past.

A Lord Betrayed by One…

Brock Spencer, Earl of Haversham, only wants vengeance. Recently returned from his military service to the King, his plans include repairing his family estate, finding a bride, and destroying the girl responsible for the untimely death of his twin brothers. What he doesn’t anticipate is falling in love with the only woman who should never be part of his future.

An Impossible Match, Destined to Be…

Add Shunned No More to your Goodreads Shelf  or get it now on Amazon !



My Top Ten Historical Romance Authors

Christina McKnight

10. Eloise James has stayed true to the Historical Romance genre throughout her career. Her novels never disappoint and always leave the reader wanting more.

9. Catherine Coulter’s Sherbrooke Brides books started my love for Historical Romance series. Your favorite characters’ journeys continue long after their book is complete.

8. Julia Garwood’s books are so enchanting that I will forsake my favorite place and time period (Regency England) to read her book, For The Roses—and I do it at least once a year!

7. Lisa Kleypas has mastered the art of writing a heroine that every woman would give up modern conveniences to be! I could live without running water, computers, and modern medicine to be Winnifred Hathaway in Seduce Me at Sunrise.

6. Pamela Britton knows how to write a rake of the first order! Her books Scandal, Seduced, and Tempted feature super hot bad boys!

5. Christina Dodd—what more do I need to say? The woman is an icon and legend! I recommend all of her books.

4. Lauren Royal brings a whole new to dimension to a love story. Her Jewel Series (Amethyst, Emerald, and Amber) is full of snappy dialogue and captivating characters.

3. Julia Quinn wrote another of my favorite series, The Bridgertons. The series follows a group of siblings (named in alphabetical order, which is helpful since there are a ton of them!) and their unique love stories.

2. Amanda Quick combines dynamic characters, romance, accurate historical details, and mystery to create enthralling books, including Deception, Desire, Mischief, Mistress, Scandal and Reckless (to name a few!)

1. My all-time favorite historical romance series is written by Stephanie Laurens. The Cynster Novels follow a family full of interesting men and women who will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time!








Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since. Currently, she focuses on Historical Romance, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance.

Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.




Book Blast, Giveaway & Top Ten: Return by @maxwmiller

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Egyptian Moon Series

Book 1

Max W. Miller

Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Ironshield Marking LLC

ISBN: 9780985595562


Number of pages: 218 pages

Word Count: 67,000 words

Cover Artist: Kat Murphy

Book Description:

A young lady has to learn how to function on a college campus without the guidance of her parents while dealing with reincarnation. How will she fight and win the battle against the aggressive soul of an ancient Egyptian princess who is determined to RETURN.

Available at Amazon


Chapter Snippets

Chapter One

Since my sophomore year of high school, my dad, Dr. Eli Christopher Smart III, a noted Professor of Neurological Surgery at Duke University—totally white, but born in Cairo, Egypt—had started creating his idea of the perfect pre-college family trip. He and I were scheduled to travel to Egypt to tour the ruins of ancient cities. Mom had refused to come with us.


I did know about the power of the pharaohs and how a few of them may have been women in disguise. I’d always thought of that as very interesting. Queen Nefertiti was my favorite ancient woman of power.

One part of ancient Egyptian lifestyle rang quite clear and it disgusted me. How gross was it for the pharaohs to marry their own children, and how gross to expect a sister to marry a brother—not cool at all. Eeeew.


It bothered me that this wide hall was dimly lit, with yellowish lights. I squinted, trying to see where the hall ended. It seemed to go on past forever. Even more distressing, my personal nemesis showed up—a quivering of my left eyelid, a telltale signal that something would come to change my life and not in a positive way.

“Damn,” I muttered and loosened my grip on Tyler’s arm to grab his hand tightly. The last time my left eye did this crazy quivering dance, we received the news of Papa’s death. Squeezing my eyes shut, I prayed silently, “Please, God, don’t let anything else happen to my family, please.”


“Stop it, Megan. You know I hate horror flicks. Why you want to talk about that while we’re walking down this creepy ass hall? Upstairs looks like a palace, but down here came right out the macabre, man. Reminds me too much of a neighborhood I used to live in, too much old dusty crap. This place just ain’t right, man. And I came all the way to New York for this—”

“Okay, Tyler, I get it.”

“A freaking nuclear holocaust, the land that time forgot. And I don’t believe they paid all the light bills, it’s too damn dark down here.”

I giggled as Tyler led me around a stack of old furniture.

Mom couldn’t resist letting her sage wisdom flow. She stepped backward then leaned to reach my ears. “He ought to be ashamed of himself, keeping this establishment in this condition. The nerve of him, bringing us down here to this dusty storage area for things they don’t want. Well, he can have our bills from the cleaners.”

The hard pounding inside my chest eased after teasing with Tyler and listening to Mom. Funny how opposites combined to lighten my anxiety—a disgruntled mom and a total hottie boyfriend gave me another chance to forget that I was supposed to be in Egypt.



Top 10 Things of Interest and Maybe Shocking About My Research of the Ancient Egyptian Culture

1) In all, there were about 170 ancient Egyptian pharaohs in the period from 3150 BCE to about 31 BCE.

2) A few were women in disguise.

3) Egyptian pharaohs wore ceremonial clothes. Many of the things that they wore or carried were symbols of their power and position in Egyptian

4) The tiny cobra on top of the pharaoh’s crown is called a uraeus. The uraeus is an upright cobra. It means that the pharaoh is ready to strike his enemies with venom.

5) Whenever you see a pharaoh shown as a sphinx, the sphinx will have the uraeus on his crown.

6) An Egyptian coffin was called a sarcophagus. Within the covers of Egyptian Moon - Return, Megan’s star quarterback boyfriend ran away when one was opened.

7) The ancient Egyptian pharaohs believed in keeping their bloodline pure. Pharaohs normally married a number of wives, and their own sister and even their child might well be one of them, often the chief wife-'Great royal wife' as she was known.

8) The ancient Egyptians believed that the most attractive women tended to be the fertile ones.

9) Adultery among the lay people in Egypt was wrong. Women got the worst punishment for adultery - a man might just be forced into a divorce, but a woman could conceivably be killed for that crime.

10) Unmarried women, on the other hand, seem to be free to choose partners as they so desire, and enjoy their love life to its fullest.




EM Giveaway




Max W. Miller was born in Savannah, Georgia, but has lived in North Carolina with her husband and two children for many years. She comes from a large family with eight siblings who have also experienced supernatural encounters.

Max enjoys writing science fiction, fantasy, and all things paranormal because she believes that we have three distinct parts to our being—body, mind and spirit (soul), and that other life forms in other realms are just as real as we are. In her writing, Max uses popular fantasy, science fiction and paranormal topics such as aliens, ghosts, and witches, and expresses them in a way that is highly entertaining and thought provoking.

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Book Blast, Givaway & More: Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello by @raebethmcgee


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book info
Saying Goodbye without Saying Hello is my journey through my pregnancy in 2012-2013 with my second daughter, Dakota Emily. Everything went well throughout the pregnancy and when I went into labor, I found out she had passed. The autopsy revealed no reason for her death despite all the concerns that I had during the pregnancy. This book captures my entire journey and each feeling I had during the pregnancy, her passing, and after.
covergifTitle: Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello
Author: RaeBeth McGee-Buda
Genre: Non-Fiction
Audience:  Adult
Formats: mobi & epub
Publisher: Self-Published; Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Cover By: Marcy Rachel Designs
Editor: Lee Ryder
Pages: 230
ISBN-10: 1492110884
Date Published: October 15, 2013

The journey of pregnancy brings hope, joy, and love for the expecting mother. The hope of giving birth to a new life. The joy of feeling this new life grow inside of her. The love that starts with a test that doesn’t ever end. Dreams for the unborn child flood the new mother’s mind, as well as those around her. Each step of the pregnancy is a cherished moment. The anticipation of meeting her cherished baby builds from the very first month and ends after birth.
This is the story of one mother and how a few words changed her life forever. How a piece of her faded when she heard these words: “There’s no heartbeat.” When RaeBeth Buda laid in the hospital in labor, she and her husband heard those dreaded words.
What happens when all of those dreams are shattered in a moment’s notice? How does one cope with the loss of their child? This is the story of their journey and of the devastating grief of the loss of her daughter, Dakota Emily Buda.

book links
Barnes and Noble:

Come and join Dakota’s Birthday Celebration with us.
  Around 1:00 on the morning of the 27th, a person from the OB floor called my name. I motioned him over. He grabbed the wheelchair and pushed me through the halls. Mom and Greg followed closely behind. When we finally got to the sixth floor, they took me into triage room one.
“Hello, what brings you in?” The woman asked as she came in.
“I think we’re about to have a baby.” I answered her with a smile.
Why else would we be there? It’s not everyday people like to hang out in the OB part of the hospital for no reason at all.
“Okay, you’ll need to strip from your waste down. I’ll need a sample of your urine here in this cup and put the rest in the plastic bin. I’ll be back in a few minutes to hook you up.” She instructed as she pointed to the small toilet in the room.
It was a good thing I had to go. I looked over at my mom and Greg as I said, “Hope I can do this without peeing all over the place.” Of course, I tried to make both laugh and succeeded. As I pulled down my panties, I noticed a small amount of blood. My mom and Greg noticed too.
“The bloody show. You’re definitely not going anywhere any time soon.” My mom said with a smile. “We’re gonna have a baby!” She chanted excitedly.
The only thing I could come back with was, “Or she’s in distress.”
“Don’t think like that. All will be fine. Have some faith.” My mom said to calm me down and comfort me.
Once I was ready to get on to the bed, I slowly made my way with Greg’s help. I laid back and the contractions were much stronger. Around one in the morning, the nurse finally came back in, shut the door, and walk to the left side of the bed. She grabbed a strap and placed it on my belly. “This will monitor the contractions, which I see you’re definitely having.”
Once the strap was in place, she fiddled with the machine for a few minutes and said, “Let’s find that heartbeat.”
She grabbed the gel, put a good bit on my belly, and grabbed the Doppler. Once she spread out the gel, she started searching for Dakota’s heartbeat. I couldn’t wait to hear it. It was only a matter of seconds before I’d hear it.
She kept moving around on my belly. I pointed to right side of my belly button and said, “This is usually where my doctor found her heartbeat without a problem.” She moved the device there. We still didn’t hear anything.
After another squirt of gel on my belly, she searched again. My heart raced and panic overtook me. Something was wrong. I could feel it. I glanced at my mom and Greg. They were worried too. I saw Greg swallow hard and turned my attention back to the nurse.
“Sometimes it takes time to find the heartbeat. The baby could be lying with her back towards yours, which makes it hard for the machine to pick it up. I’m going to get an ultrasound machine. That will definitely pick it up.” The nurse said, as she placed the Doppler back and walked out of the room.
My mom saw worry and panic cross my face. She stood up from her chair and walked over to me. “Let’s pray” she said. My mom, Greg, and I said a quick prayer while we waited on the nurse. Within a few minutes, the door opened and the nurse pushed in an ultrasound machine. She plugged it in and turned it on.
As she stood to the right of me, Greg and my mom were on my left. My mom held my leg and Greg took a hold of my hand. I eagerly wanted the nurse to put a fire under her ass and hurry up. It seemed like everyone and everything started moving in slow motion. The nurse began looking at Dakota through the ultrasound.
At first, I couldn’t tell what was on the screen. What I noticed was that she was not trying to hear her heart but to see it. That was when it came into view. My daughter’s heart was not beating. I rubbed my eyes, thinking they were playing a trick on me. The nurse stood up and walked out of the room without saying a word.
Moments later, three other medical personnel walked into the room. They whispered in their small circle where we couldn’t hear and continued looking at the screen. The room was quiet. I heard the ultrasound machine running and could have heard a pin drop. I knew my baby was gone by the look on their faces, but no one said anything.
“Ummm, hello? Someone tell me what’s going on?” I yelled. I was tired of it. I knew what this meant, but I wanted them to say it. It was not final until someone had said it.
The doctor closest to me said, “I’m sorry. She’s gone.”
1 x Signed Copy of Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello (US Only)
1 x Signed Postcard
1 x Magnet
1 x $5 Amazon GC

clip_image004Best Selling Author, RaeBeth McGee-Buda is resides in a tiny valley at the ridges of the Application Mountains in Fairchance, Pennsylvania, with her husband and daughter, her dog, Cody, and her newest family addition, Romeow her pure white cat.
She’s been writing in some form her entire life, but loving young sister, Audra McGee noticed her talent, and gave her the reassurance she needed to start her writing career. After many months of deliberation, RaeBeth decided to trust her sister’s word and expand her short story into what we all know and love as The Silenced Series.
RaeBeth is a mother to an angel in Heaven...Miss Dakota, whom she honored in Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello. Her goals for her books are to inspire and give hope. She is a Christian author, who firmly believes in God and incorporates her faith into some of her work.

Tour Schedule - One Week Blog Tour for Saying Goodbye… Without Saying Hello by RaeBeth McGee-Buda from May 26 to June 1, 2014.
May 26
Blushing Divas Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
Bound 2 Escape - Spotlight with Excerpt
Karen Swart - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
Movies, Shows & Books - Spotlight with Excerpt & Dakota's Playlist
May 27
Crazy Beautiful Reviews - Review, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
Idle Musings of a Writer's Mind - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review & Author Interview
A Book Addict's Delight - Spotlight with Excerpt
May 28
Book Hostage - Spotlight with Excerpt
JeanzBookReadNReview - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review (TBA) , Author Interview, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
May 29
Kim's Book Blog - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review & Dakota's Birthday Party
For The Love of Books - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
May 30
Cajun Book Lover - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
As You Wish Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
Darkest Cravings - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
May 31
Bottles & Books Reviews - Review, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
Fallen Over Book Reviews - Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
Eclipse Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
June 1
Book Nook Nuts - Spotlight with Excerpt & Review
Our New Generation for Reading - Spotlight with Excerpt
Kitty Muse and Me - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dakota's Birthday Party, Dakota's Playlist & Dakota's Poem
Debbie Jeans - Review

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Release!! Crane by @Rourkewrites


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New release

Title: Crane
Series: Legends Saga Book 1
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA paranormal 
Audience: Older teens and up 
Formats: eBook and print 
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing 
Cover By: Najla Qamber Designs 
Editor: There for You Editing 
Date Published: May 26, 2014


The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.
Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.
What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?
Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.
But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?

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authorgifThe Gryphon Series is written by Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects. The Gryphon Series is available wherever fine books are sold.

media links
Contact Info: Visit the author at
Twitter @Rourkewrites
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Three Day Release Blast Schedule - Crane, Legends Saga #1 by Stacey Rourke on May 26, 27 and 28, 2014.
May 26
Crazy Beautiful Reviews -
Mommy's Late Night Book-up -
Sweet Treat Reading Reviews -
Blushing Divas Book Reviews -
That Bites-Book Talk Reviews -
May 27
Clarissa Wild's Blog -
Cu's Ebook Giveaways -
Our New Generation for Reading -
For The Love of Books -
Lindsay And Janes Views And Reviews -
Becca Anne's Book Reviews -
Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life -
May 28
Patricia D. Eddy -
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom -
Angee's After Thoughts -