
Friday, October 31, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & Top Ten:Chasing the Sun by @EarthRelic

Chasing the Sun Banner 851 x 315_thumb[1]



clip_image002_thumb[1]Chasing the Sun

An Earth Relic Novel

Book 1

Sasha Abernathy

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Crimson Frost Books

Date of Publication: October 21, 2014



Cover Artist: Suzannah Safi

Book Description:

Hunted by Chaos. Protected by Death. Guided by Fire.

Terran is now the key to a world she never knew existed.

Normal was what Terran did best – house, job, dog, friends – rinse and repeat. She never knew demigods existed, or that you could journey to other realms, manipulate nature with your mind, or that the dead weren’t really gone at all, but instead existed in the Underworld. No, she lived the mundane life of any twenty-seven-year-old Alaskan girl…until she met Aiden, the complicated and gorgeous new local art gallery owner.

As their fiery relationship evolves into something more, Terran finds herself surrounded by a world of nightmares and gods, when the mysterious Aiden proves to be more than a simple man. Soon, Terran finds that she is not so simple herself. As an ancient evil threatens to escape and unleash all Hell, Terran must dive into a magical world she never knew existed to save them all…even if that means giving up her life to do it.


When I walked in, I could feel an energy in the air. Its warm and soft pulse had a slight humming sensation that tickled my skin. Wisps of heat surrounded my necklace as it pulsed ever so slightly. Amazing. I had taken care of these plants their whole lives, from seedlings to sale. They truly felt like a piece of me now. As I tended to the flowers in the back of the shop, blue, purple, white, and yellow petals swayed to a gentle rhythm as I moved to the music playing in my earbuds. Was this the gift Marc had given me? If it was, it had gotten stronger. No way, this could be real. It was so bizarre. I had to know if anyone else saw this. I needed to find someone I could trust. I decided I would call Jon.

I ran to the ladies’ room and whipped out my phone. Please pick up, please pick up. After five rings, he finally answered.

"Terran? Sorry, I was in a meeting. What's up?"

"Are you super busy? I need a favor, a kind of crazy favor."

"Okay. Anything, but first are you okay?" It wasn’t like me to call Jon while he was at the office, so his concern was definitely warranted.

"I'm not hurt, but I might be crazy." I laughed, my tone laced with an anxiety that couldn’t be contained. "Can you meet me at the nursery? I could use your eyes for something."

"Sure. I'll be there in about twenty. Do you need anything while I'm on my way?"

"Just you, please. I'm in the back where we keep the marigolds."

It only took Jon about fifteen minutes to get here. He must have been worried and speeding. I was back with the marigolds when I heard him enter the room. I turned to see him in his dark charcoal suit with a light blue dress shirt. He looked handsome as usual.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he came in to hug me. We embraced and I instantly felt better. Jon always made me feel safe.

"I think so, I just think I'm going crazy." Tears pooled in my eyes as I had finally admitted out loud the one thing that I feared most.

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm sure that's not true. What's going on?"

I told him about the plants moving for me. I didn't want to repeat myself and I knew Micah would want to know about Seth. I wasn't sure I wanted to share the dancing plants bit with her.

"Watch… "

I leaned over the marigold and brushed the tips of my fingers across the petals, moving my hand in a quick swipe over all the ones I could reach. Each little red, yellow, and gold petal shivered and shook, wiggling like you would when you get a chill, an involuntary movement. And like a newborn, they began searching for their mother, swaying and leaning towards me. My pulse sped up, the heat from my necklace warmed me to my core. It was a perfect heat, a warmth that exhilarated my soul. I turned back to Jon, who watched with intensity. And when I looked into his eyes, I could tell he had seen nothing. His eyes saddened as he realized I knew.



Top 10 Favorite Artists to Listen to While Writing

Let me preface this segment with the following: If I had to describe my music taste, I would say it is eclectic. Each key, tone, and beat of the music feels like another language that enhances my overall mood. I love to work in silence, so I could become lost in my world. But, some scenes definitely require music. So, without further ado, here are my Top 10 most inspiring artists for writing.

1. Deftones. Without a doubt, the harsh vocals and pounding beats amplified my adrenaline when I really needed to get into those scenes that were full of energy. The best way for an author to make sure the reader feels the story, is to feel those emotions themselves while writing. That’s one of my favorite things about the whole process! Around the Fur was the best album for getting into the characters heart-pounding, adrenaline-junky rush of excitement.

2. Deadmau5. Another great artist to get the energy pumping. But where Deftones left me aggressive, determined, and ready to go, Deadmau5’s album, 4 x 4 = 12, left me funky, fun, and upbeat. This was the perfect album for those scenes where Terran, my main character, got a little bit ornery. Deadmau5 put me in the perfect mood to write those fast and fun scenes.

3. Mos Def. I fell in love with Mos Def after he played Ford Perfect in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (One of my favorite books). Then of course, who couldn’t love him in Dexter! But, that’s beside the point. J His album The New Danger has been one of my favorites for years. With a nice blend of rock riffs and sexy rhythmic rap, you can’t help but wiggle while you write those flirty scenes.

4. Radiohead. Who doesn’t love the awkward and innocent vocals that OK Computer gives us. There something about the music that taps into that deeply hidden and insecure part of me. Radiohead put me just in the mood to write those scenes where your characters feel vulnerable and emotionally raw.

5. Nina Simone. So one of the best things about the internet in Pandora. J I always knew I loved ‘Feeling Good’ by Nina Simone, but I never knew anything about this soulful beauty until I explored her on Pandora. Her rich voice needs no music. When needing to write a calm and well thought-out scene where character movement was pivotal, Nina Simone was the perfect companion.

6. The Mars Volta. Similar to Radiohead in the sense that it taps into my more vulnerable side, Amputechture by The Mars Volta was perfect for those more whimsical scene and melancholy scenes. Where Radiohead was raw, The Mars Volta and clean, polished, and smooth. The vocals suck me in and let me feel like I was falling into the eerie dream world of Terran.

7. Cake. Fashion Nugget is one of those albums that are perfect for background noise. I think I’ve listed to this album more times than I care to count. The upbeat rhythm and quirky horns is perfect for those transition scenes. I am put in the mood to drive my car down a winding and smooth highway in the Rocky Mountains. And this feeling of smooth passage is exactly what you need when switching scenes.

8. Johnny Cash. I am not a huge fan of country. Not at all. But there’s something about those classic guys that really gets me going. The Legend of Johnny Cash is a great compilation of his greatest songs. You go from fun and laughing with A Boy Named Sue, to the heartbreaking song he recorded after his wife passed, Hurt. His music is a great example of a story arch. You need all those moments of happiness, sorrow, pain, and hope. Not only do you need them in the story, but you need them in your characters to create depth. I love listening to Johnny when doing character profiling.

9. The Lost Highway Soundtrack. Eerie and ranging from elevator type tune of Antonio Carlos Jobim to the blasting a masculine Rammstein, I can’t get enough of this soundtrack. I’ve never seen the movie, but was introduced to the music first by my husband who is a big fan. I almost don’t want to watch it now because I don’t want it to be a disappointment compared to the album. Perfect for those otherworldly scenes, this soundtrack puts me in the mood of dreams, nightmares, and where seduction of the unknown becomes irresistible.

10. Silence. Absolutely nothing. That’s right. This is kind of a cheat since it’s technically not an artist, but I couldn’t do a top 10 without including it. Sometimes life feels like it should have a soundtrack. But at other times, life feels like you’re all alone and the only thing that is comforting is silence. We spin around like crazy in this demanding world, and sometimes sitting and doing nothing but being in your own head is the best thing that can happen. Silence is perfect when writing those reflective scenes where your character is making game-changing decisions.

Thanks for checking out my top 10 favorite artists to listen to while writing!




Born in Germany to a Puerto Rican mother and All-American Military father, who saw fit to give her a Russian name, Sasha Abernathy has always loved storytelling, traveling, and doing all things silly. Raised in Oklahoma, but eventually moving everywhere from Alaska to Spain, Sasha has finally settled in the beautiful state of Colorado. With her loving husband, two wild sons, and neurotic labradoodle, Sasha is surrounded by way too much testosterone and escapes through her mysteriously whimsical and romantic novels.

Twitter: @EarthRelic

Book Blast: Hers to Claim by Patricia A Knight

Hers to Claim Banner 851x 315



clip_image002Hers to Claim

Book Four in the Verdantian Series

Patricia A Knight

Genre: Adult, Sci/Fi, Fantasy Romance 18+

Publisher: Troll River Publications


Number of pages: 360

Word Count: 90,637

Cover Artist: Skylar Faith

Book Description:

A prince from the Nyth Uchel mountains … a healer from the Oshtech desert …

Scornfully rejected by her desert lover and uncertain of her place in the world, Adonia traveled a perilous road to the fabled mountain-city of Nyth Uchel. She came to heal the sick and dying, but in the arms of highborn prince, Hel, Adonia found the answer to saving herself.

Descended from nobility, once great kings of Verdantia, Hel willingly bore the burden of his dying city and its people on his shoulders. Watching helplessly as a malingering evil attacked the very soil under his feet, he crushed his pride to summon help. He’d been staggered to discover the answer to saving his city and perhaps all Verdantia might lie behind a heavy fall of chocolate hair and shy brown eyes.

As their entire planet faces an encroaching black death, two seemingly disparate individuals forge a partnership of love and sacrifice that will alter their future forever. All of Verdantia will be tested.

Stand alone. Not a cliff-hanger. HEA 360 pages. M/F, Mild D/s themes, light spanking, and an over-sexed but sensitive prince with a hero complex.

Buy it at Amazon Kobo Smashwords

Book Trailers:

Quotes from the book:

“Yes. I know all about soul-wraiths.” Ramsey frowned. “How did you avoid them in the past?”

“Set a perimeter of energized diaman crystal. That will keep them at bay.” Hel smiled without humor. “I have the diaman crystal in my saddle pack. I lack a sexual partner to energize them. I had intended to return with a magistra but a magister will work as well. Care to volunteer?”

“Only if I top,” Ramsey snapped.

“You’d have to kill me first,” returned Hel.

“With pleasure.”

Steffania took a breath. Ram cut her off. “No. I don’t share you, Vixen.”



Fear of the unknown almost froze Adonia’s tongue, but she was the obvious answer. She could do this. The opportunity would never present itself again. “I’ll be your partner.”

He would have seduced her into the erotic world his particular carnality demanded and reveled in the passionate response he knew he could draw from her. She would submit to him gladly. The Goddess had created her for it. The woman gloried in serving.

Sadly, his world was not that world any longer. Brutal practicality stripped his relationships of any niceties and turned sex into another duty performed for those who looked to him for protection.

Steffania shook her head in mock sorrow. “I’ve heard it said people never grow up. They merely learn how to behave in front of others.” She leaned over and whispered loudly, “Ramsey has done neither.”

"It’s a delicious contradiction. He is never more wholly mine than when I am under his total control, in complete service to him.”

The small track Adonia rode resembled a game trail more than a byway of commerce. Her horse lunged up the steep, rock-strewn trail. In spite of the increasing difficulty in maneuvering the grade, the constant insults and rude comments volleyed between Ramsey and Hel lifted her foul mood with a growing sense of amusement. She heard the frequent cackle of Steffania’s laughter and her taunting jabs at both men.

“Loyal to you, DeHelios? Ha! Your retainers only stay because they are frozen solid to that block of ice you inhabit. I should relieve your people of the burden of gazing on your flea-infested, hairy face,” said Ram.

“Bring it on, dickless wonder. There aren’t any trees for you to fall out of to give you an advantage. Your wife inspires more fear in me. You aren’t half the man she is.”

“Oh, your death at my hand is all but assured, DeHelios. Only the knowledge it would be pointless stays my sword. The Hound of the Seven Hells would vomit you up as an indigestible hair ball, and I’d be back at square one.”

Adonia pulled her horse up and turned to face the two men. The absurdity of their exchanges had finally pushed her over the top.

At Hel’s irritated, “What?” hilarity welled up inside Adonia until she clutched at her belly and then her horse’s neck to remain seated. She finally abandoned the attempt and simply slid down and lay on her back on the rocky ground, convulsed with laughter. Ramsey a ‘dickless wonder’? Hel an ‘indigestible hairball’?

She registered Ramsey’s, “I don’t know. Something we said?”

She flopped her arm in the air to motion them on and was aware Hel and Ramsey continued past her. When she opened her eyes, she looked up at a mounted Steffania grinning down at her.

“They’re well-matched, don’t you think?” Steffania chuckled. “One might be fooled into thinking they didn’t like each other.”





Patricia A. Knight is the pen name for an eternal romantic who lives in Dallas, Texas with her horses, Italian Greyhounds, "Gidget the Rescue Chihuahua"—and the best man on the face of the earth—oh yeah, and the most enormous bullfrogs you will ever see.

Word to the wise: don’t swim in the pool after dark.

She loves to hear from readers and can be reached online

Book Blast & Giveaway: The Legends Saga by @rourkewrites


Presented by:
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Title: Crane
Series: Legends Saga # 1
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA paranormal 
Date Published: May 26, 2014

The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.
But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?



book links

“Tonight was meant to be the Harvest Ball,” Katrina said as she slid between the folds of her crimson and taupe gown. “Now the town is meeting, trying to concoct a plan to stop a being that death itself couldn’t tame.”
Ichabod sat on the edge of the bed with his back, respectfully, to Katrina while she changed. His loaded musket lay across his lap. In the reflection of the window in front of him he could see the soft curve of her hips as they tapered into her narrow waist. He cleared his throat and shifted his gaze to the floor. His chin tipped to the side, ever so slightly, to ask, “Are you secure in our plan?”
“I am to attend the summit on the arm of Brom Van Brunt,” she reaffirmed as she pulled her long, blonde locks out from the back of her gown and began tightening the laces of her bodice. “Then speak with as many people as I can, searching for anyone that may have motives leading to the Horseman.”
Ichabod nodded. Mostly to himself, he muttered the remaining details they were depending upon, “Rip will be inside as well. That man can finesse a crowd with a skill that truly baffles. If there are secrets to be found, he will uncover them. Irv will be outside with me, primarily because the Horseman isn’t the only one in this town that would like to see his head on a spike. We will be on horseback, patrolling the grounds with a few other men that have volunteered. You will have nothing to fear.”
Her elegant gown in place, Katrina turned to Ichabod wearing an expression equal parts timidity and fear. “What of Brom?”
The bed squeaked as Ichabod shifted his weight to face her. “Boorish as his ways may be, he cares for you. If you adopt the guise that you have interest in him, he will do all he can to protect you inside the gathering, while I provide you the same service outside.”
“And,” her long lashes brushed the tops of her cheeks as she cast her gaze to the floor, “you aren’t bothered by me being on his arm?”
In the midst of the plotting and planning, Ichabod had slipped into the role he knew well of military strategist. He had detached himself from the emotional aspects—until that very moment. The reality of his request sank in like a heavy stone. He had asked her to take another man’s arm, asserting her place beside him. The implications of that dug into his gut like a dull blade, churning and twisting deep.
“The mere idea of that makes me ache,” he stated, forcing the words through his suddenly parched throat. “Yet I would endure this hardship, and countless others, to keep you safe.”
She moistened her lips with a flick of her tongue, seemingly wrestling with words that gave her pause. “Ichabod, when this is over … w-would you call yourself mine?”
Ichabod closed his eyes. The euphoria of that question washed over him, cleansing him of all his sins with the promise of tomorrow. Rising to his feet, he took her velvet soft hand in his. A love he hadn’t known possible illuminated her striking face. “From the moment I saw you, my heart belonged to you alone. If by some miracle you were to give me your love in return, I would need nothing else to sustain me the rest of my days.”
Katrina’s palm tenderly brushed his cheek. “You have already claimed that.”
Allowing no further hesitation, Ichabod gathered her in his arms. Katrina tipped her head back, the soft curves of her body molding to his. Full lips parted in an alluring invitation it would take a stronger man than him to resist.



book2 covergifTitle: Raven
Series: Legends Saga # 2
Author: Stacey Rourke
Audience: NA Paranormal
Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Date Published: Sept 22, 2014

An infamous love, destined nevermore,
For death could not claim, the enchanting Lenore.

Cursed by the malevolent spirit of the Headless Horseman, Ireland Crane ventures to Manhattan in search of a way to break her soul crushing bond. Instead, she discovers the lines between fact and fiction are blurring once more. Croaking ravens. Telltale hearts. Could the works of Poe be coming to pass with handsome Wall Street Midas Ridley Peolte as their unwilling target?

She walks the Earth, a plague on mankind,
searching for he, her rotted heart doth pine.

Together, the two unknowingly release a dark force death itself could not tame. Surrounded by the unrelenting violence and mayhem they’ve unleashed, Ireland feels her control over the Horseman slipping. Before the beast within consumes her, she and her crew must follow the clues of the dead to right a centuries’ old wrong. Will it be enough to sate the Horseman’s appetite?

Hell hath no fury like a ghoul scorned.

book links
Clamping her eyes on the wash of tears that threatened, Ireland ignored the wailing of her heart … and laid a palm to each of their cheeks. One lone tear snuck between her lashes at the cascade of tingles seeping up her arms.
“You can’t blame them for not understanding,” a familiar voice drawled behind her.
She spun as he neared, leaving Rip and Noah wheezing for breath—or, more likely, completion of her task.
Techno-colored flowers bloomed in a colorless world each time the sole of Ridley’s shoes met the earth. The crisp cut of his white, tailored suit was accented by a burst of color from the button-down shirt beneath that changed in hue to match the species of flowers that sprung to life. Hydrangeas blue. Orchid purple. Lily fuchsia. Rose coral. As he neared, Ireland noticed his eyes morphed to match as well. The result hypnotic.
His haggard and troubled façade was a thing of the past. The man before her exuded confidence and a zest for life from every pore. The draw of which was so magnetic Ireland had to fight to keep her feet planted while her body insisted she close the distance between them.
“To them this is a thrill, a game of chicken against the Reaper himself.” Ridley paused beside her, his shoulder skimming hers. Even then he didn’t grace her with a glance, his attention fixed on Rip and Noah. Tipping his head toward her, the warmth of his breath teased over her breast bone. “For us, it’s destiny.”
The moment he stepped away from her, the chill of solitude lashed at Ireland’s soul and cut deep. Bending eye-level with her withering subjects, Ridley pursed his rose petal lips to blow a soft, healing breath over both of them. Wan complexions of the dying were ripened to plump apricot. Both men blinked away their disappointment before dipping in a low bow—foreheads to the ground in a show of respect.
“No need for that, boys.” Ridley smoothed the front of his suit coat, a self-depreciating chuckle playing over his lips.
Neither humbled servant budged.
“You’re like me?” Pacing in a slow circle around him, Ireland’s eye narrowed.
He matched her steps, leading them in an intimate waltz normally reserved for predators—or lovers.
“Like you?” He tsked. “Oh no, my darling flower. There is no other like you. Our only similarity is being pawns in a game that began centuries before either of our fathers got an amorous gleam in their eyes.”
Ireland’s gaze lingered over the soft curve of his mouth, wondering if his lips could possibly taste as delectable as they looked. “How do we play?”
Curling one finger into a ruffled tuft of her skirt, Ridley pulled her to him. Bowing his head, he brushed his cheek over the delicate curve of her collarbone. “The game is already in motion,” he murmured. “The rule sheet not meant for our eyes. All we can do now is stay alive.” 
Ireland weaved her fingers into his hair, yanking his head back with a passion driven force that bordered on violent. “I’ve taken lives. I’m a monster,” she snarled against his lips, tormenting them both with the agonizing veil of energy that denied their touch.
His hand snaked up her arm to find her fingers and loosen her grasp. Palm to palm. Fingers entwined with fingers. “Does granting it make me any better?”
Ridley didn’t give her time to answer. With one hand pressed to the small of her back he crushed her to him.  Their lips met with a desperate urgency that caused Heaven and Earth to quake in nervous anticipation of what was coming … 


dream cast

1.) Sleepy Hollow Soundtrack Track 1- composed by Danny Elfman
2.) Ready to Run by the Dixie Chicks
3.) I’m on Fire by Mumford and Sons
4.) Monster by Skillet
5.) Crazy by Kat Dahlia
6.) Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
7.) Voices in My Head by Randy Orton
8.) Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace
9.) Counting Flowers on the Wall by Eric Heatherly
10.) The Monster by Eminem & Rihanna



authorgifThe Gryphon Series is written by Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects. The Gryphon Series is available wherever fine books are sold.
Contact Info: Visit the author at
Facebook at
Twitter @Rourkewrites






Tour Schedule - Series Blog Tour for The Legends Saga by Stacey Rourke from Oct 23 to Oct 31, 2014
Oct 23
Coffee Books & Art - Promo, Top Ten, Dream Cast
Crazy Beautiful Reviews - Promo
Bound 2 Escape - Promo
2 Girls & A Book - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Oct 24
V's Reads - Review - Raven #2
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! - Promo
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Oct 27
Say What? Savannah Mae - Promo
The Phantom Paragrapher - Review - Raven #2
The Avid Reader - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Cajun Book Lover - Promo
Word to Dreams - Promo & Book Soundtrack
Oct 28
Shayna Varadeaux Books & Reviews - Promo, Review - Crane #1 , Review - Raven #2
The Idle Musings Of A Writer's Mind - Promo, Top Ten, Dream Cast
Eclipse Reviews - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Portals to New Worlds - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Oct 29
Paranormal Book Club (PBC) - Promo
Deal Sharing Aunt - Promo & Author Interview
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Hope To Read - Promo
Oct 30
Kelly P's Blog - Promo
Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog - Promo
Angee's After Thoughts - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Book Nook Nuts - Promo
Oct 31
Movies, Shows & Books - Promo, Dream Cast, Book Soundtrack
Darkest Cravings - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
A Cauldron of Books - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
What Shall We Blog About Today? - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast

Book Blast & Giveaway: The Legends Saga by @rourkewrites


Presented by:
Sparkle Blog Button
Join our mailing list for great book news -

Title: Crane
Series: Legends Saga # 1
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA paranormal 
Date Published: May 26, 2014

The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.
But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?
book links
“Tonight was meant to be the Harvest Ball,” Katrina said as she slid between the folds of her crimson and taupe gown. “Now the town is meeting, trying to concoct a plan to stop a being that death itself couldn’t tame.”
Ichabod sat on the edge of the bed with his back, respectfully, to Katrina while she changed. His loaded musket lay across his lap. In the reflection of the window in front of him he could see the soft curve of her hips as they tapered into her narrow waist. He cleared his throat and shifted his gaze to the floor. His chin tipped to the side, ever so slightly, to ask, “Are you secure in our plan?”
“I am to attend the summit on the arm of Brom Van Brunt,” she reaffirmed as she pulled her long, blonde locks out from the back of her gown and began tightening the laces of her bodice. “Then speak with as many people as I can, searching for anyone that may have motives leading to the Horseman.”
Ichabod nodded. Mostly to himself, he muttered the remaining details they were depending upon, “Rip will be inside as well. That man can finesse a crowd with a skill that truly baffles. If there are secrets to be found, he will uncover them. Irv will be outside with me, primarily because the Horseman isn’t the only one in this town that would like to see his head on a spike. We will be on horseback, patrolling the grounds with a few other men that have volunteered. You will have nothing to fear.”
Her elegant gown in place, Katrina turned to Ichabod wearing an expression equal parts timidity and fear. “What of Brom?”
The bed squeaked as Ichabod shifted his weight to face her. “Boorish as his ways may be, he cares for you. If you adopt the guise that you have interest in him, he will do all he can to protect you inside the gathering, while I provide you the same service outside.”
“And,” her long lashes brushed the tops of her cheeks as she cast her gaze to the floor, “you aren’t bothered by me being on his arm?”
In the midst of the plotting and planning, Ichabod had slipped into the role he knew well of military strategist. He had detached himself from the emotional aspects—until that very moment. The reality of his request sank in like a heavy stone. He had asked her to take another man’s arm, asserting her place beside him. The implications of that dug into his gut like a dull blade, churning and twisting deep.
“The mere idea of that makes me ache,” he stated, forcing the words through his suddenly parched throat. “Yet I would endure this hardship, and countless others, to keep you safe.”
She moistened her lips with a flick of her tongue, seemingly wrestling with words that gave her pause. “Ichabod, when this is over … w-would you call yourself mine?”
Ichabod closed his eyes. The euphoria of that question washed over him, cleansing him of all his sins with the promise of tomorrow. Rising to his feet, he took her velvet soft hand in his. A love he hadn’t known possible illuminated her striking face. “From the moment I saw you, my heart belonged to you alone. If by some miracle you were to give me your love in return, I would need nothing else to sustain me the rest of my days.”
Katrina’s palm tenderly brushed his cheek. “You have already claimed that.”
Allowing no further hesitation, Ichabod gathered her in his arms. Katrina tipped her head back, the soft curves of her body molding to his. Full lips parted in an alluring invitation it would take a stronger man than him to resist.
book2 covergifTitle: Raven
Series: Legends Saga # 2
Author: Stacey Rourke
Audience: NA Paranormal
Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Date Published: Sept 22, 2014

An infamous love, destined nevermore,
For death could not claim, the enchanting Lenore.

Cursed by the malevolent spirit of the Headless Horseman, Ireland Crane ventures to Manhattan in search of a way to break her soul crushing bond. Instead, she discovers the lines between fact and fiction are blurring once more. Croaking ravens. Telltale hearts. Could the works of Poe be coming to pass with handsome Wall Street Midas Ridley Peolte as their unwilling target?

She walks the Earth, a plague on mankind,
searching for he, her rotted heart doth pine.

Together, the two unknowingly release a dark force death itself could not tame. Surrounded by the unrelenting violence and mayhem they’ve unleashed, Ireland feels her control over the Horseman slipping. Before the beast within consumes her, she and her crew must follow the clues of the dead to right a centuries’ old wrong. Will it be enough to sate the Horseman’s appetite?

Hell hath no fury like a ghoul scorned.

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Clamping her eyes on the wash of tears that threatened, Ireland ignored the wailing of her heart … and laid a palm to each of their cheeks. One lone tear snuck between her lashes at the cascade of tingles seeping up her arms.
“You can’t blame them for not understanding,” a familiar voice drawled behind her.
She spun as he neared, leaving Rip and Noah wheezing for breath—or, more likely, completion of her task.
Techno-colored flowers bloomed in a colorless world each time the sole of Ridley’s shoes met the earth. The crisp cut of his white, tailored suit was accented by a burst of color from the button-down shirt beneath that changed in hue to match the species of flowers that sprung to life. Hydrangeas blue. Orchid purple. Lily fuchsia. Rose coral. As he neared, Ireland noticed his eyes morphed to match as well. The result hypnotic.
His haggard and troubled façade was a thing of the past. The man before her exuded confidence and a zest for life from every pore. The draw of which was so magnetic Ireland had to fight to keep her feet planted while her body insisted she close the distance between them.
“To them this is a thrill, a game of chicken against the Reaper himself.” Ridley paused beside her, his shoulder skimming hers. Even then he didn’t grace her with a glance, his attention fixed on Rip and Noah. Tipping his head toward her, the warmth of his breath teased over her breast bone. “For us, it’s destiny.”
The moment he stepped away from her, the chill of solitude lashed at Ireland’s soul and cut deep. Bending eye-level with her withering subjects, Ridley pursed his rose petal lips to blow a soft, healing breath over both of them. Wan complexions of the dying were ripened to plump apricot. Both men blinked away their disappointment before dipping in a low bow—foreheads to the ground in a show of respect.
“No need for that, boys.” Ridley smoothed the front of his suit coat, a self-depreciating chuckle playing over his lips.
Neither humbled servant budged.
“You’re like me?” Pacing in a slow circle around him, Ireland’s eye narrowed.
He matched her steps, leading them in an intimate waltz normally reserved for predators—or lovers.
“Like you?” He tsked. “Oh no, my darling flower. There is no other like you. Our only similarity is being pawns in a game that began centuries before either of our fathers got an amorous gleam in their eyes.”
Ireland’s gaze lingered over the soft curve of his mouth, wondering if his lips could possibly taste as delectable as they looked. “How do we play?”
Curling one finger into a ruffled tuft of her skirt, Ridley pulled her to him. Bowing his head, he brushed his cheek over the delicate curve of her collarbone. “The game is already in motion,” he murmured. “The rule sheet not meant for our eyes. All we can do now is stay alive.” 
Ireland weaved her fingers into his hair, yanking his head back with a passion driven force that bordered on violent. “I’ve taken lives. I’m a monster,” she snarled against his lips, tormenting them both with the agonizing veil of energy that denied their touch.
His hand snaked up her arm to find her fingers and loosen her grasp. Palm to palm. Fingers entwined with fingers. “Does granting it make me any better?”
Ridley didn’t give her time to answer. With one hand pressed to the small of her back he crushed her to him.  Their lips met with a desperate urgency that caused Heaven and Earth to quake in nervous anticipation of what was coming … 


dream cast

1.) Sleepy Hollow Soundtrack Track 1- composed by Danny Elfman
2.) Ready to Run by the Dixie Chicks
3.) I’m on Fire by Mumford and Sons
4.) Monster by Skillet
5.) Crazy by Kat Dahlia
6.) Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
7.) Voices in My Head by Randy Orton
8.) Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace
9.) Counting Flowers on the Wall by Eric Heatherly
10.) The Monster by Eminem & Rihanna
authorgifThe Gryphon Series is written by Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects. The Gryphon Series is available wherever fine books are sold.
Contact Info: Visit the author at
Facebook at
Twitter @Rourkewrites

Tour Schedule - Series Blog Tour for The Legends Saga by Stacey Rourke from Oct 23 to Oct 31, 2014
Oct 23
Coffee Books & Art - Promo, Top Ten, Dream Cast
Crazy Beautiful Reviews - Promo
Bound 2 Escape - Promo
2 Girls & A Book - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Oct 24
V's Reads - Review - Raven #2
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! - Promo
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Oct 27
Say What? Savannah Mae - Promo
The Phantom Paragrapher - Review - Raven #2
The Avid Reader - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Cajun Book Lover - Promo
Word to Dreams - Promo & Book Soundtrack
Oct 28
Shayna Varadeaux Books & Reviews - Promo, Review - Crane #1 , Review - Raven #2
The Idle Musings Of A Writer's Mind - Promo, Top Ten, Dream Cast
Eclipse Reviews - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Portals to New Worlds - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Oct 29
Paranormal Book Club (PBC) - Promo
Deal Sharing Aunt - Promo & Author Interview
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Hope To Read - Promo
Oct 30
Kelly P's Blog - Promo
Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog - Promo
Angee's After Thoughts - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
Book Nook Nuts - Promo
Oct 31
Movies, Shows & Books - Promo, Dream Cast, Book Soundtrack
Darkest Cravings - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
A Cauldron of Books - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast
What Shall We Blog About Today? - Promo, Book Soundtrack & Dream Cast