
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Malfunction Erotica is Now Open for Submissions!

Malfunction Erotica is Now Open for Submissions!


What is Malfunction Erotica?

Malfunction Erotica is one of the largest marketing platforms for self-published authors today. As part of the MaE team, you retain all rights to your manuscript. We are not a publishing house. Every author at MaE is a self-publishing author. You keep 100% of your profits.

As a marketing platform, we offer any authors that are part of our team full support when it comes to marketing and growing their brand.

Below is a list of all the benefits authors working with us receive:

  • 50% discount on all tour packages (cover reveals, release day blitz, promo, tours, etc.) through MaE Book Tours and Promo Stars Services.
  • Cover Designs starting at $25.00 (prices based on the author's vision of their cover and difficulty of putting it together.) To view our cover portfolio click here.
  • Discounted Editing services through MaE, Write Divas, and Promo Stars Services.

*As a self-publish author, you are not obligated to use all of the services mentioned above. You are more than welcome to use your own editing team or have your cover designed elsewhere, if you wish.


Check out the link to our Submissions page below the giveaway :D

{MaE Open for Submissions Giveaway}

This is our largest giveaway yet and we have to take the time to thank everyone that signed up to be a part of it. Please make sure you take the time to stop by each author's/blogger's page and show them some love ^_~


And many more!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Book Blast & Giveaway: AT STAR’S END by Anna Hackett





AtStarsEnd_Anna Hackett-high

Published by: Carina Press

March 31, 2014

Dr. Eos Rai has spent a lifetime dedicated to her mother’s dream of finding the long lost Mona Lisa. When Eos uncovers tantalizing evidence of Star’s End—the last known location of the masterpiece—she’s shocked when her employer, the Galactic Institute of Historic Preservation, turn its back on her. Left with no choice, Eos must trust the most notorious treasure hunter in the galaxy; a man she finds infuriating, annoying and far too tempting.

Dathan Phoenix can sniff out relics at a stellar mile. With his brothers by his side, he takes the adventures that suit him and refuses to become a lazy, bitter failure like his father. When the gorgeous Eos Rai comes looking to hire him, he knows she’s trouble, but he’s lured into a hunt that turns into a wild and dangerous adventure. As Eos and Dathan are pushed to their limits, they discover treasure isn’t the only thing they’re drawn to…but how will their desire survive when Dathan demands the Mona Lisa as his payment?








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I’m Anna Hackett and I write action romance stories to thrill you, excite you and leave you inspired. I write about people overcoming unbeatable odds and achieving seemingly impossible goals to inspire you with the truth that the possibility exists for all of us to do the same. I love car chases, explosions and spaceships…and of course when the boy wins the girl. Oh, and I’m a sucker for that moment when the team is walking in slow motion, shoulder-to-shoulder heading off into battle. After reading or writing an awesome action romance story, I’m left energized and feeling like anything is possible. I aim to give the same to my readers.

Contact links:





Cover Reveal: Light's Bane by Lucy Varna


Event Organized by ❤MaE Book Tours & Promo Stars Services


Daughter of the People Book#2

Daniella Nehring is a fierce warrior with a turbulent past. Born in the earliest days of World War II to unknown parents, she was raised by Rebecca Upton, one of the People’s most notable leaders. Dani has always had questions about her parents’ identities, information Rebecca refuses to reveal, leaving a gaping hole in Dani's own identity. Dani travels to New York on Rebecca's orders to search for the mysterious woman who stole a copy of the Prophecy of Light from the People. There, she teams up with Dave Winstead, an FBI agent working undercover with the People's most ancient and deadly enemy. Dave has a soft spot for the young warrior that divides his loyalties between her and the job he took in order to fulfill a promise he made a decade and a half before, a promise he's determined to keep, no matter what the cost. As Dani and Dave are drawn deeper into the hunt for the missing artifact, Dani's immortality is jeopardized, and with it, her ability to reclaim the Prophecy. When she learns the truth about her heritage, Dani is forced to choose between her heart and her duty, and must confront her past in a struggle that will change her life forever.

Genre Paranormal Romance

Expected Publication Date June 13th 2014


About the Author

Lucy Varna lives in Georgia, surrounded by her large, extended family. Lucy has been a reader for as long as she can remember. After devouring every suitable book in her house, she moved on to newspapers, encyclopedias, and telephone directories. In desperation for new reading material, she began crafting her own stories, and thus was a writer born. In addition to reading, writing, and studying dead people, Lucy enjoys knitting, music, and long drives through the countryside during autumn. Most of all, she likes to spend time with her family, particularly her teen-aged son, who is nearly as odd as she is. As the old family saying goes, "The nut don't fall too far from the tree." Poor kid.

Connect with Lucy Varna!

Website | Goodreads | Facebook

MaE Book Tours

Promo Stars Services

Monday, April 28, 2014

Book Blast, Author Cage & Giveaway: Zombie Housewives by Ami Blackwelder

Zombie Housewives Banner 450 x 169




clip_image002Zombie Housewives

Ami Blackwelder

Genre: NA Paranormal Thriller

Publisher: Eloquent Enraptures Publishing

Date of Publication: Halloween, 2013


Number of pages: 26 on kindle

Word Count: 9,416

Cover Artist: Ami Blackwelder

Book Description:

Welcome to Mulberry Lane, NJ where a quiet suburbia died as the sun descended. The reporters tell us something in the soap caused these...these changes. No one could say for sure what caused this, but this is one neighborhood that will never be the same.

When Crystal, Jennifer and Carrie begin to change from housewives into zombies they bring all their repressed angst with them. Dishes, laundry, and neglectful husbands and spiral into a fit of rage. Follow these three characters in a dark comedy where being a housewife never looked so creepy.

This is an original novella. The sequel is Zombie Models.

Available on Amazon

Get it free for your Kindle April 22, 23, 24

Book Trailer:



Zombie Housewives: It Started in the Kitchen

New Jersey, in the not so distant future...

Crystal and Alex

A silent scream erupted from somewhere deep inside Crystal. She could feel the anger building, like something inside of her broke. Slowly counting to 10, she gently placed the camera on the sofa and spun back around to glare at her husband Alex, her thin summer dress swirling around her. “Fine, I won’t pick up my camera again! I’ll spend all day in the kitchen.” Trapped, she felt so trapped, unconsciously her upper lip curled like an angry dog.

Her husband Alex threw his hands up before finishing his point, just like he always did, and then his hands landed on his suit’s slacks. “I didn’t mean it like that, Crystal. I just need you to be more focused on the housework. Dishes are piling up and the floors are dirty. I’m at work all day and then come home to this...this filth.” His carefully trimmed eyebrows sat at angles over his dark slanted eyes. His tall and slender shape hung over her like a drill sergeant, his growing anger would become one more thing his mother would blame on Crystal, somehow. Sometimes she imagined him floating out the window like a kite, his words dragging behind him like a tail. It may not soften the stabbing complaints seeping from his mouth, but the image of him flying away made the words a little less painful. Wow, when did she start wishing she could blow him out of her life?

She wished that she could feel chastised by this charade of a fight that they seemed to have every payday, but these days she couldn’t summon enough emotion to care. She dusted her hands on her dress before she marched into the kitchen and jerked on the faucet, her wavy blond locks bouncing behind her. Water splashed over the dishes and she squeezed a few more drops of the SunShine dish soap into the filling sink. Rinse, Soap, Rinse, repeat. She settled into the never-ending ballet that was the dishes, the sudsy plates dancing across the counter. Her fingers started tingling.

Alex followed her into the kitchen and continued. “Can’t you spend less time on your hobby and more time on the house?”

He went there.

“Hobby! Hobby?” The anger rising in her throat was palpable. “I studied photography at college. I have wanted to be a photographer since I got my first camera at four years old. How long did you study for your job? Eight Weeks? Whatever, Alex! If we hadn’t gotten married right out of college maybe I would have had time to pursue my dreams... I am your wife, not your slave. I have replaced working on my career with working on your dinner and five years later where has that gotten me?” Another bowl careened into the soapy water.

“What does that mean?”

“It means you were supposed to have duties too, remember? Or did you already forget all the promises you made?” She spun from the sink, her back at the counter edge, and her hands covered in suds. At least he had the decency to blush, the red creeping up his cheeks staining his Asian complexion.

"I didn’t care about your promises of a two story home with a picket fence and two cars. I never cared about keeping up with the Joneses, or the Changs, or the Griffins. I never wanted to get married." Damn it, why was she crying? "I wanted to travel the world, just me and my camera. Then you came along and I loved you so much that my heart hurt every time I thought of leaving...My bag is packed, Alex, has been for two months now.

It has been five years, Alex. Five years! What do we have to show for it?” She flung her hands at him and the suds scattered. She scanned the dingy kitchen of their one bedroom home, as if just noticing the peeling wall paper, mismatched chairs and chipping paint.

“I’ve told you real estate is tight right now. No one is buying. The economy is bad. I work all day to make ends meet and come home to more mess. How do you think that makes me feel?”

“Fine, Alex. You win.” Her emerald eyes grew defiant, though her pale complexion turned hot red. She folded her arms tightly over her chest, opening and closing her suddenly stiff fingers. Wasn’t 27 too young to get arthritis?

“Don’t be like that. I’m...” he fished for a reason to cool the argument, “just hungry darling.” Alex inched closer and stroked her cheek with his pinky. She sighed, just about ready to believe his apology. “Could you get me something to eat?”


“Sure!” She wiped her hands off on the dish towel and shoved a frozen dinner into the microwave. The tiny door slammed.“Be ready in five.” She turned on her heel to walk out of the kitchen–being that close to the knives was far too tempting.

Silent at last, Alex stood motionless in the hallway of the kitchen. Crystal brushed past him and headed to the sofa to find her camera. Lifting the viewfinder into her eyes, she aimed the lens at Alex’s disappointed expression as the microwave timer buzzed.

Review Quotes:

"I could totally relate!" -Ashley

"Not your typical zombie story!" -Ami

"The characters stayed with me long after the read." –Katherine




Welcome to Darkest Cravings, tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a writer, a teacher and a traveler. I been to Asia, Europe and lived in Asia for six years. I’m actually writing this in Thailand. 

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

In Elementary school.I would write all kinds of stories and my teacher would read them aloud in class. 

Writing adult fiction isn’t for everyone, how did you end up writing for the toughest audience?

I write for adults and YA audience. I have two imprints: Forbidden Passion with every heartbeat which is young love, sweet with some dark sides (AngelFire chronicles, Mer Chronicles, Guardians of the Gate Chronicles) and A Different Kind of Heartbeat (Zombie Housewives, Midnight: Century of the Vampire, and Shifters Saga which is being made into an indie film

Most of the intimidating parts of being an adult fiction writer is the steamy scenes, how did you overcome the “stage fright”? 

I wrote my first sex scenes in SHIFTERS of 2040 and my editor helped me grow out of my shell. 

Which fictional character would you like to go on a date with?

Gosh, Auggie from Covert Affaris of course, or El —the Israeli  Why? Hotness and sweetness at their perfect mix. 

What was the first adult fiction novel that you read?   What was your reaction?

Your favorite adult fiction book is- I like literature,scifi, historical, dystopia and some paranormal. I’d say sex scenes in history or a paranormal realm are usually hot. I don’t really have a favorite.  

Your favorite Author is-?

George Lucas, Jane Austen, John Steinbeck , Veronica Roth, Suzzane Collins

We all have a treasured possession, what is yours?


Are your characters based on real people or did you create them from scratch?

A bit of both. 

Do you think adult fiction have reached its full potential yet, or are we still in for a huge surprise?

Huge surprises are all around us all the time. 

Do you think adult fiction helps improves relationships?

Yes, it gives us an escape when we need it and a renewal of energy at times.

If you have to pitch adult fiction to someone that’s too shy to read it, what would you pitch?

Its just you and your book. No one is watching you. 

What is your motto?




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Ami Blackwelder is a Paranormal and SciFi author. Her stories range from Tween & YA to Adult. Growing up in Florida, she graduated UCF and in 1997 received her BA in English and additional teaching credentials. Then she packed her bags and travelled overseas to teach in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. She has always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, her novels began when she was in Thailand in her thirties.

Having won the Best Fiction Award from the University of Central Florida (Yes, The Blair Witch Project University), her short fiction From Joy We Come, Unto Joy We Return was published in the on campus literary magazine: Cypress Dome and remains to this day in University libraries around the USA. Later, she achieved the semi-finals in a Laurel Hemingway contest and published a few poems in the Thailand’s Expat magazine, and an article in the Thailand’s People newspaper. Additionally, she has published poetry in the Korea’s AIM magazine, the American Poetic Monthly magazine and Twisted Dreams Magazine.

Cover Reveal: Crane, Legends Saga Book 1 by @Rourkewrites


Presented by:


Title: Crane
Series: Legends Saga Book 1
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA paranormal 
Audience: Older teens and up 
Formats: eBook and print 
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing 
Cover By: Najla Qamber Designs 
Editor: There for You Editing 
Expected Date of Publishing: May 26, 2014



The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.
Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.
What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?
Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.
But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?



authorgifThe Gryphon Series is written by Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects. The Gryphon Series is available wherever fine books are sold.


Contact Info: Visit the author at
Twitter @Rourkewrites
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Book Blast: Perfect Stranger by @morgankwyatt



christmas airline boarding pass ticket in pocketTitle: Perfect Stranger

Author: Morgan K Wyatt

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Audience: Adult

Date Published: November 27, 2013


Blurb -

Cinda isn’t ready to become a glorious butterfly. She’s still in the caterpillar stage with her generous curves. All she really wants is for a man to appreciate who she is. The way Jack did when they met at the airport. They shared a romantic day as they both waited for their flights. He kissed her goodbye and tucked his card in her suit pocket with instructions to call. It figures she’d lose his card. Luck never dealt her a romantic winning hand, but it’s time to reshuffle the cards.

Six months fantasizing about Jack was enough. Raven determines not only to help her friend to become the butterfly she is, but also to give her friend a gift she’ll never forget. Cinda voices her doubts about attending the masquerade ball. Raven reveals that Santa left her special gift at the ball. Her job is to retrieve it.




SCP Publishing / Amazon / SmashwordsItunes










head shot 2012

Morgan K Wyatt, raised on a steady diet of superheroes, believed she could fly at a very young age. After using trees, barn lofts, sliding boards, and even a second story window as launch pads, she found her flying skills were limited to fast and downward. By the age of nine, her dreams to be a superhero needed some modifications, which caused her to turn to writing and horseback riding as alternatives to flying.

At the age of twenty, she had another chance at superhero greatness as being one of the few female soldiers trained for combat. The fact that women will be able to serve in combat soon indicates that all the witnesses to the grenade incident have retired. The grenade incident didn’t prevent her two sons or daughter-in-law from enlisting in the service. Having different last names probably helped.

Morgan recently retired from teaching special needs students to write fulltime, instead of in the wee hours of the night. With the help of her helpful husband and loyal hound, she creates characters who often grab plot lines and run with them. As for flying, she prefers the airlines now.










Friday, April 25, 2014

Author Cage~ Nara Malone, author of Make Me Wet steps into the cage today.

Make Me Wet Banner 450 x 169



Today in author cage we have Nara Malone for an interview. Nara is the author of today’s book blast Make Me Wet. We would like to thank Nara for stopping by and sharing with us.


About Nara:

Whether it's a shapeshifter romance exploring the primal power of the wild feminine, or BDSM romance where love digs into a character's shadows, Nara believes romance should open the door and push lovers into a new dimension: sexually, emotionally, and sometimes physically.

Nara Malone is an award winning novelist and poet. As a freelance journalist and writer, her feature profiles on women entrepreneurs and her romantic short stories have been published in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications.

Twitter @nara_malone




Welcome to Darkest Cravings, tell us a little bit about yourself?

I love writing romance, video games and narrative poetry. I have six published books, one published video game and i regularly post sexy poetry at my blog.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

I guess there were lots of writerly moments along the way to becoming a published author. I’d been published in short fiction, written a column for local weekly for awhile before my first book won an award and was accepted for publication. But despite all that the moment that stands out was when I went to my first conference and sat down at the author table to discover my e-book had been released in print. I didn’t know in advance. There is something magical about holding a book with your name on it. That’s when I felt like an author.

Writing adult fiction isn’t for everyone, how did you end up writing for the toughest audience?

I’ve always loved both romance and writing. Yet, I couldn’t write a novel until I was able to be real about the sex. When a friend first pointed out publishers like Ellora’s Cave and lines like Harlequin’s Spice I finally felt like romance had a place for me. I could finally tell a love story where the character change is driven by sex. And isn’t sex, especially sex with the one who owns your heart, life-changing?

Most of the intimidating parts of being an adult fiction writer is the steamy scenes, how did you overcome the “stage fright”?

I like to write early in the morning, like 4 AM early. At that time of day I am only half awake and that inner-censor is still snoring. It’s a dream zone for me and I can tap into that creative part of my mind that fashions fantasies. While it’s a great time for uninhibited creativity, it’s a lousy time for spelling and punctuation. I have to go back through and fix the mechanics in the evenings when my inner critic is ready for battle.

Which fictional character would you like to go on a date with? Why?

Ean from the Tiger’s Tale. He has a delightfully feral approach to romance and he loves to lick a woman from head to toe.

What was the first adult fiction novel that you read? What was your reaction?

Broken, by Megan Hart. It was stunningly sensual and emotionally riveting at the same time. I don’t know if it would have the same impact on everyone. There were just aspects of my life that book spoke to like no other book before or since.

Your favorite adult fiction book is-?

Broken by Megan Hart

Your favorite Author is-?

I’ve read and loved every one of Walter Farley’s books. I think he was a the master of page turners. I haven’t read any of them as an adult but there are still scenes from the Black Stallion that stand out in my mind. He did conflict so well. I strive to keep conflict alive in my stories right up until the end.

We all have a treasured possession, what is yours?

My books. If someone said I could only have one thing. I would try to cram my book collection into an e-reader.

Are your characters based on real people or did you create them from scratch?

My characters show up as a voice and personality, whispering a story in those wee hours of the morning while the house is still quiet. I feel like I get to know them as I write a first draft. I don’t decide their traits. I discover them as we go and try to figure out what happened to them to make them the people they are.

Do you think adult fiction have reached its full potential yet, or are we still in for a huge surprise?

I find the new interactive adult romance lines intriguing and I look for adult fiction to make a move toward being more interactive and immersive as we discover new ways to use technology to tell stories.

Do you think adult fiction helps improves relationships?

Many of my author friends have said readers wrote them about how a story helped them discover something new with their partner or work out a problem. I’ve had similar letters. My favorite was from a reader who read the Dungeon Gourmet and then she and her husband tested the ice cream recipe revealed throughout the story. I try to include little games lovers can play as I tell a story. I’ve even built virtual story worlds that readers and their partners can explore together.

If you have to pitch adult fiction to someone that’s too shy to read it, what would you pitch?

I think a choose your path story where you can pick the heat level of the romance scenes as you work your way through the story would be a nice place for shy readers to start. No one will know which path they read. I’m working on one of those now. :-)

What is your motto?

Taking romance into the next dimension. It’s my passion as an author to create a stories that can reach beyond the covers of a book—in a romantic game lovers share, in virtual reality, or in an interactive story that readers can read more than once to discover a different story each time. My virtual world for Make Me Wet does that. I have a replica of Shadowling Manor that readers can explore. They can go to Selkie Island, visit the Goddess Mere and her Mermen attendants, hang out with the hero Ronin by the campfire, or put on a selkie avatar, shift from being human to seal and explore the magical fantasy world beneath the water.

Readers can find instructions for visiting my stories in the next dimension here:

If you would like to find out more about this amazing author,check out the book blast below.

Book Blast & Giveaway ~ Make Me Wet by @nara_malone

Make Me Wet Banner 450 x 169





clip_image002Make Me Wet

Passions Portal

Book 2

Nara Malone

Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave

ISBN: 9781419948081


Number of pages: 77

Word Count: 23,500

Cover Artist: Syneca

Ellora’s Cave ARe Amazon BN

Book Description:

Seven tears cast upon the water summon the selkie, summon seal across the ocean, summon man from beast—liquid keys to break the curse. Freed one night every seven years, Ronin is doomed to repeat that cycle into eternity. Unless he can find a woman powerful enough to resist a selkie’s irresistible pheromones and sex magick.

Maille believes she lost reality between Maine and New Mexico. Between where she is now and where she should be. She believes in facts, not magick. But facts can’t explain how she wound up naked on a beach with the sexiest man she’s ever laid eyes on. Or how she knows in her bones that losing herself in the passion Ronin offers is a path to disaster.

It’s going to be a long, hot, wet night. Caught between sex magick and a sexy selkie, disaster is inevitable for Maille. To break the enchantment she has to rely on the oldest magick of all—the power of love-drenched hearts.

Book Trailer:


Copyright © NARA MALONE, 2013

All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.

A piercing cry rose above the thunder of surf. Human? A seal could sound so human it was hard to tell the difference. Whichever, Maille recognized it as a wail of mortal distress. She couldn’t say how she understood that, no more than she could say how she wound up on the beach. One fact she was certain of—she couldn’t ignore it.

Without thought for consequences she plunged into the surf, diving under swells, power-stroking through roiling water.

Once past the breakers Maille paused, treading water as she turned in circles, searching in the inky swells for the curve of a human head. Impossible with the waves breaking moonlight into sequined facets and the rise and fall of swells tall as houses. She’d never find him. She needed him to cry out once more.

“Come on. Give me a hint.”

An irregular shape, not seal-like or wavelike, caught her attention. As she paddled closer, she made out a man waving, heard his hoarse cry before his head disappeared below a wave. He resurfaced choking.

She dove under the water, swimming straight for where she’d seen him last. She resurfaced as he went under again, but she was close enough now to reach his long hair, swirling like dark kelp in the water. She grabbed a handful.

It was surprisingly easy to pull him along, as if he had managed to overcome his instinctive terror and submit to her rescue. He might not have been so submissive had he realized, as she did now, that they weren’t making progress.

Riptide. Crap.

Maille fought down a sudden kick of panic in her chest, struggling to swim parallel to the shore, caught by swells that tossed them dangerously close to jagged rocks. She had to concentrate her energy on swimming north until they were beyond the rip where she was free to swim shoreward.

When her feet finally found ground, a wave slammed her, flinging them both onto the sand. Depositing them in a tangle of limbs. Maille on top.

A small wave washed over them, and the sensation was that of a liquid blanket settling around her shoulders and then melting away. Panting, draped over his body, Maille was too spent to lift her head from a pillow of seaweed.

Another wave swept up, warm liquid fingers caressing her thighs.

She needed to move him higher up the beach, away from the rising tide, see to his needs. With a groan she pushed up to hands and knees, still straddling his body.

Damn! She’d hauled in one hell of a wet dream. Jet-black hair fanned out on the sand. His body lean, long and lusciously muscled. She started to lick her lips, caught herself, and forced her tongue back in her mouth. She was supposed to be saving his life, not jumping his bones.

Something was wrong. That realization drowned attraction in a wave of adrenaline.

His chest didn’t seem to be moving. Her breath caught and her heartbeat kicked up to double time. Maille thought there’d been a slight rise and fall of his chest beneath her breasts when they’d first washed ashore. His lips looked blue. But when she put her ear to his chest, the beat of his heart was strong and quick.

She scraped her mind for facts.

Fact—a heart could beat for several minutes after breathing stopped.

Would his lips still be blue?

Fact—in the moonlight everything looked blue.

Fact—his eyelids were at half-mast, and there was a barely perceptible gleam aimed at her. He probably didn’t need to be resuscitated.

Fact—she could discover the state of his respiration in other ways than this slow descent of her head and the pressing of lips to his. He tasted like sin and secrets.

His lips were warm and firm under hers, and they parted in a humid mingling of breath. Goddess, he smelled wonderful. She inhaled the scent of male and mystery laced with magick. Worries over what was real, what wasn’t, where she was, trickled away like so many grains of sand.


Fuck a bunch of facts.


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Whether it's a shapeshifter romance exploring the primal power of the wild feminine, or BDSM romance where love digs into a character's shadows, Nara believes romance should open the door and push lovers into a new dimension: sexually, emotionally, and sometimes physically.

Nara Malone is an award winning novelist and poet. As a freelance journalist and writer, her feature profiles on women entrepreneurs and her romantic short stories have been published in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications.

Twitter @nara_malone